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P. 16

Step 2     ೨ब ੉ۿ   ӝ୹ ಁఢ

                    ೨ब ੉ۿ

                     ੗زࢎ۽ ଱пೞӝ ए਍ ఋزࢎ

                               ఋزࢎ              ڷ                      ઱੄
                           BQQSPBDI     _۽ ੽Ӕೞ׮            ੹஖৬ UP৬ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺
                           BDDFTT       _ী ੽Ӕೞ׮            ੹஖৬ UP৬ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺
                           NFOUJPO      _ী ؀ೞৈ ঱әೞ׮        ੹஖৬ BCPVUҗ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺
                           EJTDVTT      _ী ҙ೧ షۿೞ׮         ੹஖৬ BCPVUҗ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺
                           BUUFOE       _ী ଵࢳೞ׮            ੹஖৬ JO   JOUP৬ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺
                           FOUFS        _ী ٜযо׮            ੹஖৬ JO   JOUP৬ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺
                           DPOUBDU      _ীѱ োۅೞ׮           ੹஖৬ UP   XJUI৬ э੉ ॳ૑ ঋ਺

               If you have any questions about our products, please contact me.
               ੷൞ ઁಿী ޙ੄ ࢎ೦੉ ੓ਵदݶ ੷ীѱ োۅ ઱भदয়
               Ü ؀ݺࢎ ݾ੸য NF  খ਷ ఋزࢎ DPOUBDU  ੗ܻ੉׮

               The personnel manager is going to attend the meeting on Wednesday.
               ੋࢎ ࠗ੢਷ ࣻਃੌ ഥ੄ী ଵࢳೡ Ѫ੉׮
               Ü ݺࢎ NFFUJOH  ݾ੸য খ਷ ఋزࢎ BUUFOE  ੗ܻ੉׮

               All employees should follow the safety regulations while on duty.
               ݽٚ ૒ਗٜ਷ Ӕޖ ઺ী উ੹ ӏ੿ਸ ٮۄঠ ೤פ׮

               Ü ࠂ೤ݺࢎ UIF TBGFUZ SFHVMBUJPOT  ݾ੸য খ਷ ఋزࢎ GPMMPX  ੗ܻ੉׮
               The company announced that its sales revenue rose considerably.
               ഥࢎח ౸ݒ ࣻ੊੉ ࢚׼൤ ૐо೮׮Ҋ ߊ಴೮׮
               Ü ݺࢎ੺ UIBU  ݾ੸য খ਷ ఋزࢎ BOOPVODFE  ੗ܻ੉׮  ݺࢎ੺਷ ఋزࢎ੄ ݾ੸য ৉ೡਸ ೡ ࣻ ੓׮

                  Step 3     प੹ ޙઁ

               1  The hotel will ------- them with a banquet hall, free drinks, and telephone service for the
                 meeting tomorrow.
                 (A) function        (B) wait            (C) comply          (D) provide

               2  According to the most recent financial report, reducing the employees’ salaries will not -------
                 the problem concerning the company’s deficit.
                 (A) deal            (B) address         (C) follow          (D) participate

                                                                                Ü ੿׹ ߂ ೧ࢸ਷ ೧ࢸ૘  ଃ ଵҊ
                                                                              ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੢੄  ഋध   31
                                                                            ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ    ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ҳઑ   31  31
                                                                              ਬഋ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੗੄  ഋध
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