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P. 15

Unit         ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ഋध  о૑
           03            ഋध

               Step 1     प੹ ನੋ౟

              ಽ  ੉  ੹  ۚ     ݾ੸য খ ࠼஢ীח ੗زࢎо ৢ ࣻ হҊ ఋزࢎо ৬ঠ ೠ׮

                  ؀಴ ޙઁ

                All of the staff members ------- the auditorium to hear the announcement concerning
                the next year.

                (A) looked        (B) prospected     (C) reached       (D) arrived

                  दաҕ ಽ੉ߨ

                All of the staff members ------- the auditorium to hear the announcement
                        ઱য            زࢎ  زࢎ SFBDIFE ੄ ݾ੸য  UPࠗ੿ࢎ ࠗࢎ੸ ਊߨ  _ೞӝ ਤ೧
                concerning the next year.
                                                          ࣻधযҳ  BVEJUPSJVNө૑ ৮੹ೠ ޙ੢
                                                         ఋزࢎ               ੗زࢎ
                (A) looked        (B) prospected     (C) reached       (D) arrived
                    ࠁ׮                ఐࢎೞ׮  ଺׮          ׿׮  ੉ܰ׮           ب଱ೞ׮

              ޙ ੢ ࠙ ࢳ   ৮੹ೠ ੺ r઱য  "MM PG UIF TUBGG NFNCFST    زࢎ  SFBDIFE    ݾ੸য  UIF BVEJUPSJVN s ٍী য়ח UPࠗ੿ࢎ
                        ח ࠗࢎ੸ ਊߨਵ۽ rݾ੸  _ೞӝ ਤ೧ s੄ ڷਸ ыח׮

              ೧      ࢸ   ঺࠺तೞѢա э਷ ੄޷ܳ о૓ زࢎо ೠ ह ੓ਵݶ ೠ हਵ۽ ޘযࢲ ಽযঠ ೠ׮  ੉ٸ ل ઺ ೞաח ੗زࢎ੉
                        Ҋ թ਷ ೞաח ఋزࢎ੉׮  ࠼஢ ٍী ݾ੸যо ੓ਵݶ ఋزࢎ  ݾ੸যо হਵݶ ੗زࢎܳ Ҋܰח ޙઁ۽ ୹ઁػ
                        ׮  ٮۄࢲ ఋزࢎ  $ ৬ ੗زࢎ  %  ઺ ೞաܳ ࢶఖೠ׮  ࠼஢ ٍী ݾ੸য  UIF BVEJUPSJVN о ৳ਵ޲۽ ఋزࢎ
                        ੋ  $  SFBDIFEо ੿׹੉׮  BSSJWF ׮਺ীח BU੉ա JO੉ ੗઱ э੉ ৡ׮   " ח ٍী ੹஖ࢎо য়ח ੗زࢎ੉Ҋ
                        ޙ੢੄ ੄޷৬ ݏ૑ ঋਵݴ   # ب ޙݓী ݏ૑ ঋ׮
              ೧      ࢳ      ੹ ૒ਗٜ੉ ղ֙ب ࢎস ߊ಴ഥী ଵࢳೞӝ ਤ೧ ъ׼ী ب଱೮׮
              ੿      ׹       $

               ࢶఖ૑ী ࠺तೠ ڷਸ о૓ زࢎо ೠ ह ੓ח ҃਋ ೞաח ੗زࢎ੉Ҋ  ׮ܲ ೞաח ఋزࢎੋؘ  ੉ ઺ ఋزࢎܳ Ҋܰח ޙઁ੉׮

            30   PART 5,6 GrammarPART 5&6 Grammar
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