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P. 12

Step 2     ೨ब ੉ۿ   ӝ୹ ಁఢ

                    ೨ब ੉ۿ

                      ഋध  ઱য৬ زࢎ۽ ੉ܖয૓ ৮੹ೠ ޙ੢ ٍী ੹஖ࢎҳ ژח ࠗࢎо ৡ׮
                           )F XPSLT BU UIF DPNQBOZ   Ӓח ഥࢎীࢲ ੌೠ׮
                           )F XPSLT IBSE   Ӓח ৌब൤ ੌೠ׮

                     ౠ੿ ੗زࢎח ੹஖ࢎ৬ ೣԋ ޘযࢲ ঐӝೠ׮

                       BDDPVOU GPS _ਸ ࢸݺೞ׮                               PCKFDU UP _ਸ ߈؀ೞ׮
                       EFQFOE PO _ী ੄ઓೞ׮                                GPDVT PO _ী ૘઺ೞ׮
                       SFGFS UP _ਸ ଵҊೞ׮                                 SFTQPOE UP _ী ߈਽ೞ׮
                       XBJU GPS _ਸ ӝ׮ܻ׮                                 DPOTJTU PG _ਵ۽ ҳࢿغ׮
                       QBSUJDJQBUF JO _ী ଵоೞ׮                               TQFDJBMJ[F JO _ਸ ੹ޙਵ۽ ೞ׮

               An unexpected argument between two colleagues happened in our department.
               زܐٜ р੄ ৘ӝ஖ ঋ਷ ֤੬੉ ਋ܻ ࠗࢲীࢲ ੌযլ׮
               Ü ੹஖ࢎҳ JO PVS EFQBSUNFOU  খ਷ ੗زࢎ ੗ܻ੉׮
               Our company’s annual profits declined significantly last year.
               ਋ܻ ഥࢎ੄ োр ݒ୹੉ ੘֙ী ࢚׼൤ хࣗ೮׮
               Ü ࠗࢎ TJHOJGJDBOUMZ  খ਷ ੗زࢎ EFDMJOF  ੗ܻ੉׮
               Ü  ష੊ী ୹ઁغח ؀಴੸ੋ  ഋध ੗زࢎٜ۽ח rHP о׮  DPNF য়׮  XPSL ੌೞ׮  IBQQFO ߊࢤೞ׮  BSSJWF ب଱ೞ׮
                 EJTBQQFBS ࢎۄ૑׮  QSPDFFE աইо׮  GBMM ೞۅೞ׮  SJTF য়ܰ׮  GVODUJPO ӝמਸ ߊൃೞ׮  EFUFSJPSBUF ঈചغ׮
                 EFDMJOF хࣗೞ׮s ١੉ ੓׮
               Mr. Martin participated in the company's professional development seminar.
               .BSUJO ॿח ഥࢎо ઁҕೞח ૒স Үਭ ࣁ޷աী ଵࢳ೮׮

               Ü  ੌࠗ ੗زࢎח rQBSUJDJQBUF JO _ী ଵࢳೞ׮s୊ۢ ౠ੿ ੹஖ࢎ৬ ೣԋ ঐӝ೧ ك׮  э਷ ੄޷੄ ఋزࢎ BUUFOEо ੓׮ח
                 Ѫب ঌই ك׮

                  Step 3     प੹ ޙઁ

               1  The success of a restaurant -------- on the food, experience, price, and location.
                 (A) provides        (B) depends         (C) implies         (D) includes

               2   Not all employees are satisfied because some think some of the women will not -------
                 competently under the male-centered new company policy.
                 (A) request         (B) support         (C) release         (D) function

                                                                                Ü ੿׹ ߂ ೧ࢸ਷ ೧ࢸ૘  ଃ ଵҊ
                                                                            ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ    ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ҳઑ   27  27  27
                                                                              ਬഋ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੗੄  ഋध
                                                                              ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੢੄  ഋध
   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17