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P. 13

Unit         ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ഋध  о૑
           02            ഋध

               Step 1     प੹ ನੋ౟

              ಽ  ੉  ੹  ۚ      ഋध زࢎ ٍ ࠼஢ীח ݺࢎա ഋਊࢎо ৡ׮

                  ؀಴ ޙઁ

                The company is largely ------- for educating and training its employees to develop their

                (A) responsible   (B) response       (C) responsibility  (D) respond

                  दաҕ ಽ੉ߨ

                The company is largely ------- (for educating and training its employees)
                     ઱য    زࢎ  ࠗࢎ    ࠁয                  ੹஖ࢎҳ
                to develop their skills.  ࠗࢎח زࢎ৬ ഋਊࢎ݅ ࣻध
                   UPࠗ੿ࢎ ࠗࢎ੸ ਊߨ
                                                                        SFTQPOE UP _ী ؀׹ೞ׮
                (A) responsible   (B) response       (C) responsibility  (D) respond
                      ഋਊࢎ               ݺࢎ                  ݺࢎ              زࢎ

              ޙ ੢ ࠙ ࢳ      rCF SFTQPOTJCMF GPS   ݺࢎsח rݺࢎী ଼੐੉ ੓׮ ݺࢎܳ ׸׼ೞ׮sۄח ڷਵ۽ ঌইف੗  UPࠗ੿ࢎ  UP
                        EFWFMPQ ח r_ೞӝ ਤ೧s۽ ೧ࢳغݴ ࠗࢎ ৉ೡਸ ೠ׮
              ೧      ࢸ      ࠼஢ খٍ ࠗࢎ  MBSHFMZ ח ט ೣ੿ਵ۽ ઁदغח ಿࢎ੉޲۽ ࣗѢ റ ಻׮  CFزࢎ ٍ ࠼஢਷ ࠁয ੗ܻ੉׮  ࠁ
                        য ੗ܻী ഋਊࢎա ݺࢎܳ ॶ ࣻ ੓૑݅ ݺࢎ ࠁযܳ ॳח ҃਋ח Ѣ੄ ୹ઁغ૑ ঋਵݴ  ઱য৬ زѺੌ ٸ݅ ࢎ
                        ਊ оמೞ׮  ٮۄࢲ CFزࢎ ٍ ࠼஢਷ ഋਊࢎо ৬ঠ ೞ޲۽  " о ੿׹੉׮
              ೧      ࢳ      ӝস਷ ૒ਗٜ੄ מ۱ਸ ೱ࢚दఃӝ ਤ೧ ૒ਗٜী ؀ೠ Үਭҗ ള۲ਸ ઱۽ ଼੐૓׮
              ಴ അ ੿ ܻ     largely  ઱۽   develop  ߊ੹दః׮

              ੿      ׹    "

               CFزࢎ ٍ ࠼஢਷ ഋਊࢎ ੗ܻ੉׮

            28   PART 5,6 GrammarPART 5&6 Grammar
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