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P. 14

Step 2     ೨ब ੉ۿ   ӝ୹ ಁఢ

                    ೨ब ੉ۿ

                         ഋध  r"   زࢎ CF ನೣ    #s੄ ഋక੉ݴ  #ীח ઱۽ ഋਊࢎо ৡ׮
                             )F CFDBNF TNBSU   Ӓח ڙڙ೧઎׮
                             4IF JT IBQQZ   Ӓ֗ח ೯ࠂೞ׮

                        ؀಴੸ੋ  ഋध زࢎ

                          ₖ _੉׮                                         CFزࢎ   ࠁয
                          ₗ _о غ׮                                       CFDPNF  HFU  HSPX  HP  UVSO  SVO   ࠁয
                          ₘ _ੋ Ѫ э׮                                     TFFN  BQQFBS   ࠁয
                          ₙ _ੋ ࢚క۽ ੓׮                                   SFNBJO  TUBZ   ࠁয
                          ₚ _ೞѱ וԑ૑׮  ࠁ੉׮  ٜܻ׮                     GFFM  MPPL  TPVOE   ࠁয

               Your account information is available online so you can access it now.
               ӈೞ੄ ҅ઝ੿ࠁח ৡۄੋਵ۽ ഛੋ੉ оמೞפ ૑Ә ੽ࣘೞदݶ ؾפ׮

               Ü CFزࢎ ٍח ഋਊࢎ BWBJMBCMF  ੗ܻ੉׮  ଵҊ۽ POMJOF ৡۄੋ࢚ীࢲ ਷ ࠗࢎ۽ ॳ৓׮
               The company executives expect to become profitable within three years.
               ഥࢎ ઺৉ٜ਷  ֙ উী ࣻ੊੉ զ Ѫਵ۽ ৘࢚ೞҊ ੓׮
               Ü CFDPNF ٍח ഋਊࢎ QSPGJUBCMF  ੗ܻ੉׮
               The building remained unoccupied during the construction period.   ҕࢎ ӝр زউ Ӓ ࠽٬਷ ࠼ ଻۽ ੓঻׮
               Ü SFNBJOFE ٍח ഋਊࢎ VOPDDVQJFE  ੗ܻ੉׮

               Sonoma Company is a leading manufacturer of commercial kitchen appliances.
               4POPNB ࢎח ࢚সਊ ઱ߑ ӝҳ੄ ࢶف੸ੋ ઁઑস୓׮

                  Step 3     प੹ ޙઁ

               1  The company held the charity event, which was extremely ------- thanks to the substantial
                 contributions that were made.
                 (A) successfully    (B) succession      (C) success         (D) successful

               2  After the factory in China was finally completed after a long period of construction, the
                 production line became fully -------.
                 (A) operational     (B) operation       (C) operationally   (D) operating

                                                                                Ü ੿׹ ߂ ೧ࢸ਷ ೧ࢸ૘  ଃ ଵҊ
                                                                            ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ    ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ҳઑ   29  29  29
                                                                              ਬഋ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੗੄  ഋध
                                                                              ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੢੄  ഋध
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19