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P. 18

Step 2     ೨ब ੉ۿ   ӝ୹ ಁఢ

                    ೨ब ੉ۿ

                      ഋध਷ r_ীѱ р੽ݾ੸য  _ܳ ૒੽ݾ੸য   زࢎ ೞ׮s۽ ೧ࢳػ׮

                      ഋध ؀಴ زࢎ
                        HJWF ઱׮                            PGGFS ઁҕೞ׮                            TFOE ࠁղ׮
                        HSBOU ࣻৈೞ׮                 BXBSE ࣻৈೞ׮                           JTTVF ߊ೯೧઱׮

                     UIBU੺ ݺࢎ੺ ਸ ૒੽ݾ੸য۽ ஂೞח  ഋध زࢎ

                       JOGPSN ࢎۈ UIBU 4   7                             ࢎۈীѱ 4о 7ೞ׮ח Ѫਸ ঌܻ׮
                       OPUJGZ ࢎۈ UIBU 4   7                             ࢎۈীѱ 4о 7ೞ׮ח Ѫਸ ঌܻ׮
                       BEWJTF ࢎۈ UIBU 4   7                             ࢎۈীѱ 4о 7ೞ׮ח Ѫਸ ୽Ҋೞ׮
                       SFNJOE ࢎۈ UIBU 4   7                             ࢎۈীѱ 4о 7ೞ׮ח Ѫਸ ࢚ӝदః׮
                       BTTVSF ࢎۈ UIBU 4   7                             ࢎۈীѱ 4о 7ೞ׮ח Ѫਸ ࠁ੢ೞ׮
                       DPOWJODF ࢎۈ UIBU 4   7                             ࢎۈীѱ 4о 7ೞ׮ח Ѫਸ ഛनदః׮

               The company gives excellent employees bonus at the end of the year.
               = The company gives bonus to excellent employees at the end of the year.
               ഥࢎח ো݈ী ਋ࣻೠ ૒ਗীѱ ࠁցझܳ ળ׮
               Ü   ഋध ؀಴ زࢎ HJWF  TFOE  PGGFS  TIPX  BXBSE ١਷ rࢎۈ   ࢎޛs ؕযܻܳ ஂೞѢա rࢎޛ   UP   ࢎۈs ؕযܻܳ

               I am pleased to inform you that I am able to attend your party.  ׼न੄ ౵౭ী ଵࢳೡ ࣻ ੓਺ਸ ঌܻѱ غয ӝࢅפ׮
                                р੽ݾ੸য          ૒੽ݾ੸য
               The manager reminded all workers that they should wear safety gear.
                                     р੽ݾ੸য             ૒੽ݾ੸য
               ݒפ੷ח ݽٚ ૒ਗٜীѱ উ੹੢࠺ܳ ଱ਊೞۄҊ ࢚ӝदௌ׮

               Ü  ഋध ؀಴ زࢎ JOGPSN  OPUJGZ  SFNJOE  BTTVSF  DPOWJODF  BEWJTF ١਷ rࢎۈ   UIBU ݺࢎ੺ sਸ ஂೠ׮

                  Step 3     प੹ ޙઁ

               1  Since I am not in my office right now, Victoria will ------- David the contracts soon.
                 (A) negotiate       (B) change          (C) proceed         (D) send

               2  By Monday, I will be able to ------- the plans to you about the new brand launching.
                 (A) assign          (B) show            (C) apply           (D) commence

                                                                                Ü ੿׹ ߂ ೧ࢸ਷ ೧ࢸ૘  ଃ ଵҊ
                                                                            ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ    ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ҳઑ   33  33  33
                                                                              ਬഋ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੗੄  ഋध
                                                                              ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੢੄  ഋध
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21