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P. 20

Step 2     ೨ब ੉ۿ   ӝ୹ ಁఢ

                    ೨ब ੉ۿ

                      ഋध਷ r ݾ੸য ܳ  ݾ੸ࠁয ೞѱ  زࢎ ೞ׮s۽ ೧ࢳػ׮

                         4IF  NBEF  NF  IBQQZ
                           Ӓ֗ח  ݅ٚ׮  աܳ  ೯ࠂೞѱ

                          ഋध ؀಴ زࢎ
                         NBLF  LFFQ  GJOE  MFBWF  DPOTJEFS ١

               The president found the merger agreement successful.
               ࢎ੢਷ Ӓ ೤߽ ҅ড੉ ࢿҕ੸੉ۄח Ѫਸ ঌও׮
               Ü  TVDDFTTGVM ࢿҕ੸ੋ ਷ ݾ੸যੋ r೤߽ ҅ডsਸ ࠁ୽ࢸݺ೧઱Ҋ ੓׮  ੉ۧѱ ݾ੸যܳ ࠁ୽ࢸݺ೧઱ח ױযੋ rݾ੸ࠁযs
                 о ੓ח ޙ੢ਸ  ഋध੉ۄҊ ೠ׮

               The manager told the employees to keep the project secret.
               ݒפ੷ח ૒ਗٜীѱ ೐۽ં౟ܳ ࠺޻۽ ਬ૑ೞۄҊ ݈೮׮
               Ü  ഋध زࢎ NBLF  LFFQ  GJOE  MFBWF  DPOTJEFS ٍח rݾ੸য UIF QSPKFDU    ݾ੸ࠁয TFDSFU s ؕযܻо ৬ঠ ೠ׮

               The company considers him one of its top experts.
               ഥࢎח Ӓܳ ୭Ҋ੄ ੹ޙоٜ ઺ ೠ ࢎۈਵ۽ р઱ೠ׮
               Ü   ഋध زࢎ NBLF  LFFQ  GJOE  MFBWF  DPOTJEFS ٍח rݾ੸য IJN    ݾ੸ࠁয POF PG JUT UPQ FYQFSUT s ؕযܻܳ ॵ
                 ׮  ੉ٸ ݾ੸য৬ ݾ੸ࠁযח زѺ ҙ҅о ࢿ݀ػ׮

                  Step 3     प੹ ޙઁ

               1  Changes to financial markets have ------- investors even more dependent on quality
                 (A) taken           (B) worked          (C) needed          (D) made

               2  The success that he has had in sales makes him ------- to his company.
                 (A) specialize      (B) special         (C) speciality      (D) specially

                                                                                Ü ੿׹ ߂ ೧ࢸ਷ ೧ࢸ૘  ଃ ଵҊ
                                                                            ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ    ޙ੢੄ ӝࠄ ҳઑ   35  35  35
                                                                              ਬഋ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੗੄  ഋध
                                                                              ਬഋ ࠙ࢳ     ޙ੢੄  ഋध
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21