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P. 21


          1.  The manager ------- the employees       6.  We will ------- last year’s sales record
             inspired to be sure that their organization is   to that of this year and discover the
             the best in the hospitality industry.       differences between the two of them in
             (A) damages        (B) holds                order to draw up a new plan.
             (C) expires        (D) keeps                (A) offer          (B) convince
                                                         (C) match          (D) allow

          2.  Jenny ------- everyone a copy of the report,
             which she worked on all last week at the
                                                      7.  The responses on the questionnaires that
                                                         the company used to get information about
             (A) gave           (B) forwarded            the new product it had created ------- from
             (C) delayed        (D) distributed          country to country.
                                                         (A) varied         (B) improved
                                                         (C) suggested      (D) advised
          3.  We must hire more employees to serve at
             the hall before the customers become
             ------- with the slow service.
                                                      8.  The company ------- the new uniform,
             (A) anger          (B) angry
                                                         which was made by a foreign designer,
             (C) angrily        (D) to anger
                                                         to all of its employees, and it received a
                                                         positive response.

          4.  Located in the central part of Shanghai’s      (A) presented    (B) showed
             old city, the Shanghai Tourism Board        (C) noticed        (D) proposed
             makes local history ------- to everyone.
             (A) accessible     (B) access
             (C) accessibly     (D) accesses          9.  I would like to ------- you that the president
                                                         of the international association is looking
                                                         forward to the special presentation that
          5.  The company announced that it will         you have prepared for the seminar.
             ------- responsibility for any problems that      (A) speak    (B) announce
             occur when people use its products.         (C) inform         (D) mention
             (A) assume         (B) search
             (C) register       (D) hand
                                                      10.  We ------- in networks and software, and
                                                         we train people to utilize the software.
                                                         (A) predict        (B) agree
                                                         (C) face           (D) specialize

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            36   PART 5,6 GrammarPART 5&6 Grammar
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