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words that are used by the majority of English speak-
            ers. The book is by no means limited to more advanced
            speakers, however, and would be useful for anyone

            learning the language to dip into to impress their teach-
            ers or friends.
               It is structured according to the seven fundamen-
            tal categories of facial expression, universally common

            throughout all cultures, made famous by the psycholo-
            gist Dr Paul Ekman. These are Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear,
            Disgust, Contempt and Surprise. The words are arranged
            in alphabetical order into these categories.

               Each emotion has a short description explaining its
            meaning, its nuances and its use. Then, the reader is
            provided with a handful of collocations, phrases and id-
            ioms. These include commonly paired verbs, nouns, ad-

            jectives, adverbs and prepositions, as well as syntactical
            configurations and colloquial phraseology. There are also
            examples of how such terms can be used in hashtags.
               Example sentences are given, and these are predomi-

            nantly focused towards the use of emotional language in
            digital contexts like social media. The internet is a sig-
            nificant new dimension of cultural expression and it is
            important for those learning English to understand the

            weird and colorful language used by people online. This
            is easier said than done, but some effort has been put
            into decoding and contextualizing terms like “saltiness”


                                                                     2022. 6. 28.   오전 9:48
 감정표현사전_본문_인쇄용.indd   14
 감정표현사전_본문_인쇄용.indd   14                                             2022. 6. 28.   오전 9:48
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