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A word about audiobooks. Have you ever   য়٣য়࠘ী ؀೧ࢲ ਫ਼Ӭ ݈ॹܻ٘Ҋ
            listened to one? I went on a road trip to the   रणפ׮. ഑द য়٣য়࠘ਸ ٜ਷ ੸੉
            Yukon a few years ago and brought some
                                               ੓ਵभפө? ੷ח ࣻ֙ ੹ী ਬ௑ъө૑
            along to give them a try. (زࢎҳ৬ زࢎҳ)
                                               ੢Ѣܻ ੗زର ৈ೯ਸ ೠ ੸੉ ੓Ҋ,
                                               ৈ೯ೞח ӡী ٜযࠁ۰Ҋ য়٣য়࠘ ݻ
                                               ӂਸ оઉщणפ׮.

                     and۽ ١ਤ ੽ࣘؼ ࣻ ੓ח ݽٚ оמࢿਸ ৘۽ ٜ૑ח ঋও
                     ૑݅, ١ਤ ੽ࣘغח ف ਃࣗח ޙߨ੸ਵ۽ ز١ೠ ӝמਸ ೧
                     ঠ ೠ׮ח ਗ஗ਸ ୽प൤ ૑అ ৘ٜੑפ׮. ৈӝীࢲ э਷ ಿ
                     ࢎо ইפۄ rޙߨ੸ਵ۽ ز١ೠ ӝמs੉ۄח ಴അী ઱ݾ೧
                     ঠ ೤פ׮. ੉۠ ցӒ۞਍ ӏ੿ ؋࠙ী ׮਺җ э਷ ١ਤ ੽ࣘ
                     ੉ оמ೤פ׮.

            A long, official silence of nearly two years   Ӓ റ۽ Ѣ੄ 2֙ زউ ҕध੸ੋ ӟ ஜޗ੉
            followed. Then, unexpectedly and in a jum-  ٍٮۋ׮. ӒܻҊ ו׺হ੉ ٍલ߅લੋ
            bled order, I received a quick series of four   ࣽࢲ۽ ֎ ా੄ ׹੢ਸ ো੉য ߉ও׮.

                     ৈӝীࢲ ١ਤ ੽ࣘػ ف ਃࣗח ࠗࢎ৬ ੹஖ࢎҳੑפ׮. ޛۿ
                     ੉ٸ ੹஖ࢎҳח ࠗࢎ੸ ӝמਸ ೤פ׮. ٮۄࢲ unexpectedly
                     ৬ in a jumbled orderח ١ਤ ੽ࣘؼ ࣻ ੓णפ׮.
                        ੉ ଼ਸ ੍ח ة੗ۄݶ ־ҳա ঌѷ૑݅, աৌغח Ѫ੉
                     ࣇ ੉࢚ੌ ٸ, ౠ߹൤ աৌਸ ъઑೡ ҃਋о ইפۄݶ, ݃૑݄
                     ী ঱әغח Ѫ খী݅ andܳ ࠢੑפ׮.

            By virtue of good writing, fine dark humour,   જ਷ Ӗॳӝ, ࢻࣁೠ ೂ੗, ١੢ੋޛী ؀ೠ
            rich characterization and compelling nar-  ੿Үೠ ࢿѺ ޑࢎ, ൜޷૓૓ೞѱ ੹ѐغח
            rative, her stories sift through life without   ࢲࣿ ߑधਸ ాೞৈ Ӓ֗੄ ױಞࣗࢸٜ਷
            reducing it.
                                               ࢕ਸ ୷ࣗೞӝחழ֞ ࢕ਸ ஖޻ೞѱ

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