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A word about audiobooks. Have you ever য়٣য়࠘ী ೧ࢲ ਫ਼Ӭ ݈ॹܻ٘Ҋ
listened to one? I went on a road trip to the रणפ. द য়٣য়࠘ਸ ٜ
Yukon a few years ago and brought some
ਵभפө? ח ࣻ֙ ী ਬъө
along to give them a try. (زࢎҳ৬ زࢎҳ)
Ѣܻ زର ৈ೯ਸ ೠ Ҋ,
ৈ೯ೞח ӡী ٜযࠁ۰Ҋ য়٣য়࠘ ݻ
ӂਸ оઉщणפ.
and۽ ١ਤ ࣘؼ ࣻ ח ݽٚ оמࢿਸ ۽ ٜח ঋও
݅, ١ਤ ࣘغח ف ਃࣗח ޙߨਵ۽ ز١ೠ ӝמਸ ೧
ঠ ೠח ਗਸ प అ ٜੑפ. ৈӝীࢲ э ಿ
ࢎо ইפۄ rޙߨਵ۽ ز١ೠ ӝמsۄח അী ݾ೧
ঠ פ. ۠ ցӒ۞ ӏ ؋࠙ী җ э ١ਤ ࣘ
A long, official silence of nearly two years Ӓ റ۽ Ѣ 2֙ زউ ҕधੋ ӟ ஜޗ
followed. Then, unexpectedly and in a jum- ٍٮۋ. ӒܻҊ וহ ٍલ߅લੋ
bled order, I received a quick series of four ࣽࢲ۽ ֎ ా ਸ োয ߉ও.
ৈӝীࢲ ١ਤ ࣘػ ف ਃࣗח ࠗࢎ৬ ࢎҳੑפ. ޛۿ
ٸ ࢎҳח ࠗࢎ ӝמਸ פ. ٮۄࢲ unexpectedly
৬ in a jumbled orderח ١ਤ ࣘؼ ࣻ णפ.
଼ਸ ੍ח ةۄݶ ־ҳա ঌѷ݅, աৌغח Ѫ
ࣇ ࢚ੌ ٸ, ౠ߹ աৌਸ ъઑೡ ҃о ইפۄݶ, ݄݃
ী әغח Ѫ খী݅ andܳ ࠢੑפ.
By virtue of good writing, fine dark humour, જ Ӗॳӝ, ࢻࣁೠ ೂ, ١ੋޛী ೠ
rich characterization and compelling nar- Үೠ ࢿѺ ޑࢎ, ൜ೞѱ ѐغח
rative, her stories sift through life without ࢲࣿ ߑधਸ ాೞৈ Ӓ֗ ױಞࣗࢸٜ
reducing it.
ਸ ୷ࣗೞӝחழ֞ ਸ ೞѱ
١ਤ ࣘ 323