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In the months of recovery that followed,   ࣻѐਘ زউ ҅ࣘػ ഥࠂ ӝрী,
        DeHaven found himself dwelling on the   ؘ೻੉࠵਷ ୽ج੄ ೖ೧ܳ ׮নೠ
        different outcomes of the crash. ˃ Why had   ҙ੼ীࢲ োҳ೮׮. ৵ աח લ૑ ঋওਸө?
        he been spared? A more spiritually inclined
        survivor might have assumed there was   ؘ೻੉࠵੉ ؊ ৔੸ੋ ࢿೱਸ ڽ঻؊ۄݶ,
        some kind of divine intervention at work.   न੉ ѐੑೠ Ѫ੉ۄ ୶੿೮ਸ Ѫ੉׮.
        But DeHaven had a secular explanation: ˄   Ӓ۞ա ؘ೻੉࠵਷ ࣁࣘ੸ੋ ҙ੼ীࢲ Ӓ
        something in the design of the plane had   ੉ਬܳ ୶੸೮׮. ࠺೯ӝ ࢸ҅ীࢲ যڃ
        protected him.                    ౠ૚੉ Ӓܳ ࢓ܽ Ѫ੉ۄ ࢤп೮׮.
        –  Extra Life, Steven Johnson
                                          –   ~਋ܻח যڌѱ ૑Әө૑ ࢓ইթওਸө,
                                           झ౭࠵ ઓट (৉ࢎ/җ೟)

                ੉ ৘ޙীࢲ ߃઴ ஘ ˃, ˄੄ दઁܳ ઱ݾ೧ࠁभदয়. दઁ
                о ڲӘহ੉ җѢ৮ܐ۽ ߸೮णפ׮. दઁ੄ ࢎਊীࢲ җѢ
                ৮ܐо ঱ઁ ࢎਊغח૑ח খীࢲ ࢓ಝࠁওणפ׮.(Ü दр੄
                ಴അ) ੉ٸ੄ җѢ৮ܐח rޑ୹ ചߨs੉ ইפݶ ࢸݺغ૑ ঋ
                णפ׮. ف ਊ۹ ݽفীࢲ he৬ him਷ DeHavenੑפ׮. Ӓۢ
                दઁח যڌѱ غযঠ ೡөਃ? ૒੽ ചߨ੉ۄݶ rWhy was I
                spared?', 'something in the design of the plane protected
                me.'о غ঻ਸ ѩפ׮. ੉۠ ੼ਸ Ҋ۰೧ ৘ޙਸ ߣ৉ೞݶ ਤ
                ৬ эणפ׮.
                   ਤ੄ ৘ޙীࢲ ޑ୹ ചߨ੉ ॳੋ ف ޙ੢੄ ର੉о ׀ী
                ٜয২פө? ˃ח ޑ୹ ചߨਵ۽ ॳ৓׮Ҋ ୶੿ೡ ݅ೠ Ӕ
                Ѣо খী ੹ഃ হ૑݅, ˄ীח had a secular explanation੉
                ۄח ੌઙ੄ ੹׳ زࢎҳо খী ઱য૘פ׮. ѾҴ ޑ୹ ചߨ
                ੉ ˃୊ۢ ॳੌ ٸח ޑ୹ ചߨ੄ ਊ۹۽ ୶੿ೡ ӔѢח दઁ
                ߆ী হणפ׮. ߈ݶী ˄୊ۢ ॳ੉ݶ, ੹׳ زࢎ৬ ௒ۿ(:) ߂
                दઁо ޑ୹ ചߨ੄ ӔѢо ؾפ׮.(Ü ҳفߨ) ޑ୹ ചߨਸ ਬ
                بೡ ٸ ௒ۿ੉ ࢎਊػ׮ח ਗ஗਷ ׮਺ ޙ੢ীࢲب ഛੋؾפ

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