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P. 15

What they are proposing to do is horrifying.
                     ª  Itss horrifying what they are proposing to do.
                        Ӓٜ੉ ઁউೞח Ѫ਷ ޖदޖदೞ׮.

                        To interfere would be unwise.
                     ª  It would be unwise to interfere.
                        рࢼೞח Ѥ അݺೠ ૙੉ ইק Ѫ੉׮.

                        ˡ It - োѾزࢎ - ഋਊࢎա ݺࢎ - to-V/that-੺/੄ޙ੺
                     ੉ٸ োѾ زࢎח become, seem, appear ١ਸ оܻఈפ׮.

            Ocean-going ships were dismantled, and it   ਗনࢶٜ਷ ೧୓غ঻Ҋ, ਗনࢶਸ ࢜܂ѱ
            became a capital offence to build them.   Ѥઑೞݶ ࢎഋী ୊೧઎׮.
            –  A History of the World, Andrew Marr
                                               –   ~ࣁ҅੄ ৉ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (৉ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)

            It became increasingly clear that Nazi Germa-  ա஖ ةੌ੉ प੹ী ࢎਊೡ ࣻ ੓ח ಩఍ਸ
            ny would not be able to respond with a usable   ٜ݅যյ ࣻ হ׮ח Ѫب ੼੼ ഛप೧઎׮.
            weapon.                            –   ~ࣁ҅੄ ৉ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (৉ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
            –  A History of the World, Andrew Marr

            It became clear how badly the ‘war on terror’   rప۞৬੄ ੹੬s਷ ѐߑࢎഥ, ؊ աইо
            had damaged open societies – and their high-  ѐߑࢎഥ੄ ҊѾೠ ੉࢚ী ஖ਬೞӝ ൨ٚ
            est ideals, too.                   ஖ݺఋܳ оೠ ѱ ࠙ݺ೧઎׮.
            –  A History of the World, Andrew Marr
                                               –   ~ࣁ҅੄ ৉ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (৉ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
            It seems possible that aboriginal Australians   झಕੋ੉ա ೐یझী ୊਺ ੿଱ೠ
            arrived in their land many thousands of years   ࢎۈٜࠁ׮ য়झ౟ۨੌܻই ੿଱޹ٜ੉ Ӓ
            before aboriginal French or Spanish got to   ٶী ࣻୌ ֙ ݢ੷ ب଱೮ਸ оמࢿ੉ ੓׮.
            theirs.                            –   ~ࣁ҅੄ ৉ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (৉ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
            –  A History of the World, Andrew Marr
            … but it seems safe to say that the big new   زইदই੄ ੌࠗ ૑৉җ ઺Ҵীࢲ ӝઓ੄
            discoveries are likely to come in China and   ੉ۿਸ ٍ૘ਸ ݅ೠ ࢜۽਍ ਬޛ੉ ߊѼؼ
            other parts of East Asia.          оמࢿ੉ ௾ Ѫ਷ Ѣ੄ ഛपೠ ٠ೞ׮.
            –  A History of the World, Andrew Marr
                                               –   ~ࣁ҅੄ ৉ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (৉ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)

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