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˞ It - be - ഋਊࢎա ݺࢎ - for + ݺࢎ - to V
                ৈӝীࢲח to V੄ ઱যо for + ݺࢎ۽ ಴അغݴ, ੉ٸ੄ ݺ
                ࢎܳ r੄޷࢚ ઱যsۄ ࠗܵפ׮. ੌ߈੸ੋ ഋਊࢎ৬ ݺࢎо ࠁ
                য۽ ࢎਊػ ҃਋ীח 'for + ݺࢎ'о ࢎਊغ૑݅, ࢎۈ੄ ಿ
                ೯ਸ ಴അೞח ഋਊࢎ(good, nice, kind, helpful, generous,
                honest ١)о ࠁয۽ ॳ੉ݶ rof + ݺࢎsо ࢎਊؾפ׮.

        Slavery represented one area within which it   ֢৘ઁبח ਋ܻীѱ ҃ઁ੸ ೤ܻࢿਸ
        is impossible for us to accept that economic   ೦࢚ જ਷ Ѫਵ۽ ߉ইٜੌ ࣻח হ׮ח Ѧ
        rationality was really a good thing.  ৈप൤ ࠁৈળ ࠗޙ੉঻׮.
        –  What Hath God Wrought, Daniel Walker   – Ҵղ ޷୹р بࢲ

        It was not particularly difficult for the com-  ߬֎஖ই৬ ೐یझ ো೤ҵ੉ Ӓ׮૑ য۵૑
        bined Venetian and Frankish forces to defeat   ঋѱ ࠺ਖ਼౯ ઁҴ੄ ଲఎ੗ܳ ଊইղҊ
        the Byzantine usurper and place his nephew   ઑ஠ীѱ ৴ӂਸ ج۰઱঻׮.
        in power …
        –  A History of the World, Andrew Marr  –   ~ࣁ҅੄ ৉ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (৉ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)

        … it came to be a custom for young women   j ੻਷ ৈੋٜ੉ ো۹೯ࢎ۽ ೣԋ ৻୹ೞח
        to go out annually together.      ѱ ҙण੉ غ঻׮.
        –  Women in Scripture, Carol Meyers
                                          – Ҵղ ޷୹р بࢲ

        … nobody could disagree that it was bold of   j Ӓо ߡ૓ ೦ҕਸ ߄Ӓ׮٘ী ਍೦ೞӝ۽
        him to fly a Virgin plane into Baghdad.  ೠ Ѿ੿੉ ؀׸ೠ Ѿ੿੉঻׮ח Ѫ਷
        –  Winners, Alastair Campbell
                                          ־ҳب ࠗੋೡ ࣻ হਸ Ѫ੉׮.
                                          –   ~ਤցझ, ਍ݺب ੉ӝח थ੗੄ ઑѤ,
                                           ঌېझపয ஬߰ (੗ӝ ҙܻ)

        It is thoughtful of you, as a sponsor, to give   റਗ੗۽ࢲ ׼न੉ नੑ ഥਗীѱ ੘਷
        the newcomer a small gift.        ࢶޛਸ ೞח Ѫ਷ ࢎ۰ Ө਷ ೯ز੉׮.
        –  New Complete Book of Etiquette, Amy   – Ҵղ ޷୹р بࢲ

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