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פ. Ӓېঠ ࢎо ࢤۚػ ഋకо ࢸݺغפөਃ. Ӓۧ
ݶ There is no use (in) crying over spilt milk.ীࢲ যח
no useо ؾפ.
ˠ It - be - ഋਊࢎա ݺࢎ - that-/ޙ
Because Ashoka so berates himself for his ইࣗח җѢ ਖ਼ೠ ੬ٜਸ ଼ೞҊ
earlier bloody wars, it is likely that he was a ӝ ٸޙী, ਵ۽ ࠛҮب۽ ѐઙ೧ࢲ
genuine Buddhist convert who tried his best to rࢶ(善) ઁҴsਸ Ѥࢸೞ۰Ҋ ֢۱೮ਸ
establish an ‘empire of goodness.’
– A History of the World, Andrew Marr оמࢿ .
– ~ࣁ҅ ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
Is it any wonder they(= Tulips) elicited partic- ۠ ݀ ੪ࡄ ೞטী ׂܽ
ular delight under the grey skies of northern ࠘یझ৬ ഓۆ, ةੌীࢲ ౠ߹ೠ
France, Holland and Germany? ജਸ ߉ওҊ ࢚ೡ ѱ חо?
– A History of the World, Andrew Marr
– ~ࣁ҅ ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
ف ߣ૩ ޙীࢲח ࣘࢎ that ࢤۚغणפ. ৈ۞࠙ী
ѱ Ҷ ۠ Ѫө әೡ ਃח হѷ݅ ֢बীࢲ ؔ
ࠢח Ѫੑפ.
rIt is said that - sب ಁఢী ࣘೠҊ ೡ ࣻ णפ.
In a telling story, it is said that his mother gave ҳਵ۽ ೧ח ঠӝী ٮܰݶ,
Temujin and his brothers an arrow each and যݠפח పޖҗ Ӓ ഋઁٜীѱ ചਸ
told them to break it. ೞաঀ աׇҊח ࠗ۞ڰ۰ ࠁۄҊ
– A History of the World, Andrew Marr
– ~ࣁ҅ ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
It is said that the two most significant changes ੋܨ ࢎ ܴਸ ߄Լ ֬ о ਃೠ
in human history were the invention of agri- ࢎѤਵ۽ ف оܳ Ԟחݶ ֪স
culture, … and the industrial revolution, …. ߊݺҗ সഄݺۄ ೡ ࣻ .
– A History of the World, Andrew Marr
– ~ࣁ҅ ࢎ, ঙ٘ܖ ݃ (ࢎ/ࣁ҅ࢎ)
࠺ੋட it 183