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2   ಣࢤ ࣗ੢ೞҊ र਷ ఋࢥ ౚ؊੄ ଼

                                 Tasha Tudor is one of the most beloved book illustrators in
                                 America. She is well-known for her exquisite watercolor depictions

                                 of rural American life. After she published her first book, Pumpkin
                                 Moonshine, in 1938, she illustrated almost one
                                 hundred books until her death in

                                 2008. Additionally, she drew many
                                 fine paintings for posters, calendars,
                                 and Christmas cards. Ms. Tudor
                                 is remembered as being a unique
                                 writer, as she lived in a house in

                                 the countryside of New England surrounded by a magnificent
                                 garden. The garden was where she would find much inspiration
                                 for her artwork. If you are curious about what it looked like, pick
             beloved ࢎی ߉ח
                                 up a copy of Tasha Tudor's Garden or The Private World of Tasha
             illustrator ࢗചо
             exquisite ഴܯೠ
                                 Tudor. The photos depicted in these books vividly portray her
             depiction ޑࢎ  ࢲࣿ
                                 lifestyle and garden, making it seem as though you are there. You
             draw Ӓܻ׮  ׼ӝ׮
             magnificent ݧ૓      will cherish these books because they exude a warmth and beauty
             inspiration ৔х  Ҋஂ
                                 that is incomparable.
             artwork ৘ࣿ ੘ಿ
             portray Ӓܻ׮  ޑࢎೞ׮
             cherish ࣗ઺൤ ৈӝ׮
             exude ߊ࢑ೞ׮
             incomparable ࠺Үೡ ࣻ

                               2VJ[  о૑஖ӝ റ ׮਺ ޙઁܳ ಽয ࠁࣁਃ
                                  ৔Ҵীࢲ о੢ ࢎی ߉ח ଼ ࢗചоٜ ઺੄ ೠ ݺ੉ ఋࢥ ౚ؊੉׮   ≉   ƒ

                                 ఋࢥ ౚ؊੄ ৘ࣿ ହ੘ޛٜ਷ Ӓ֗੄ ੿ਗীࢲ ৔хਸ ߉ও׮   ≉   ƒ
                                  ఋࢥ ౚ؊੄ ੿ਗ ੉ۄח ଼਷ ౚ؊੄ ࢕җ ੿ਗ੄ ࢎ૓ٜ੉ ݆੉ ੓׮   ≉   ƒ
                                                                      ž о૑஖ӝ ഛੋҗ ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗   ଃীࢲ

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