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P. 19

              ௾ о૑஖ӝ           1   ݓই؊੄ ݃૑݄ োࢸޙ
            খীࢲ ߓ਍ rо૑sܳ
            Қഐ۽ ޘয Ӗ੄ ೨ब
            ղਊਸ ੍য ࠁࣁਃ
                               I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great
                               pride – humility in the weight of those great architects of our

                               history who have stood here before me. I am closing my 52 years
                               of military service. When I joined the army, even before the turn
                               of the century, it was the fulfillment of all of my boyish hopes

                               and dreams. The world has turned over many times since I took
                               the oath at West Point, and the hopes and dreams have all since
                               vanished, but I still remember the refrain of one of the most
                               popular barracks ballads of that day which proclaimed most
                               proudly that: “Old soldiers never die – they just fade away.” And

                               like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career
           rostrum োױ
           humility ѿࣚ         and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God
           pride ੗ӛब
                               gave him the light to see that duty.
           close ײ׮  ݃஖׮
           military service  ਭҵ੄
           ߽৉  ҵࠂޖ
           fulfillment प೯  ࢿஂ
           boyish ࣗ֙ э਷
           take an oath ࢶࢲೞ׮
           vanish ࢎۄ૑׮
           refrain റ۴ҳ
           barrack ݄ࢎ
           ballad ֢ې
           proclaim ҕ঱ೞ׮  ࠙ݺ
           ൤ ࠁৈ઱׮  ଲনೞ׮
           fade away ࢎۄ૑׮

                              2VJ[  о૑஖ӝ റ ׮਺ ޙઁܳ ಽয ࠁࣁਃ

                                ݓই؊ח Ӓ੄ োࢸ۽ ࠁই ݒ਋ ѿࣚೠ Ѫ э׮   ≉   ƒ
                                ݓই؊о ਝझ౟ ನੋ౟ীࢲ ࢶࢲೠ ૑   ֙੉ উ غ঻׮   ≉   ƒ

                                ݓই؊о Ӓ ਬݺೠ ޙ੢ r֢߽਷ લ૑ ঋח׮    ׮݅ ࢎۄ૕ ࡺ੉׮sۄח ޙ੢ਸ ٜ݅঻׮
                                                                                     ≉   ƒ
                                                                    ž о૑஖ӝ ഛੋҗ ੿׹਷ ଼ࣗ੗   ଃীࢲ

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