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             ੘਷ о૑஖ӝ            1   When I joined the army, even before the turn of the century,
            ݢ੷ ૣ਷ ޙ੢ਵ۽ о              ղо ਭҵী ੑ؀೮ਸ ٸ     ब૑য द੘ ੹ੋ           ࣁӝ੄
            ૑஖ӝܳ োण೧ ࠁࣁ
            ਃ  খীࢲ ߓ਍ rо૑s         it was the fulfillment of all of my boyish hopes and dreams.
            ܳ Қഐ۽ ޘয ޙ੢੄
                                   ӒѪ਷ पഅ੉঻णפ׮       ݽٚ Ѫ੄ ա੄ ࣗ֙ э਷ ൞ݎٜҗ Էٜ੄
            ೨बਸ ੍য ࠁࣁਃ

                             ઱੺ it was the fulfillment খী Whenਵ۽ द੘ೞח ࠗࢎ੺җ ࠗࢎ  ੹஖ࢎ
                             ҳ о૑஖ӝ ਃٜࣗ੉ ٜযо ੓ח ޙ੢ੑפ׮  Whenਵ۽ द੘ೞח ࠗࣻ੸ੋ
                             ੺  ૊ When ࠗࢎ੺ ؕযܻب о૑஖ӝ ؀࢚ੑפ׮   ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ ઱য ز
                             ࢎ _  ഋక৬ খীࢲ ߓ਍ о૑஖ӝ ࠗ࠙ਸ ଺ইࠁࣁਃ   When I joined the
                             army ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ ઱য زࢎ _  ੑפ׮

                              о૑஖ӝ ഛੋ

                                When I joined the army ,  even   before the turn   of the century ,
                                ղо ਭҵী ੑ؀೮ਸ ٸ      ब૑য   द੘ ੹ੋ        ࣁӝ੄
                               it was the fulfillment  of all   of my boyish hopes and dreams .
                               ӒѪ਷ पഅ੉঻णפ׮          ݽٚ Ѫ੄   ա੄ ࣗ֙ э਷ ൞ݎٜҗ Էٜ੄

                                2   You will cherish these books because they exude a

                                   ׼न਷ ੉ ଼ٜਸ ࣗ઺൤ ৈӝѱ ؼ Ѫ੉׮  ৵ջೞݶ ӒѪٜ਷ ٮڷೣҗ ইܴ׮਑ਸ

                                   warmth and beauty that is incomparable.
                                   ߊ࢑ೞҊ ੓ӝ ٸޙী       ࠺Үೡ ࣻ হਸ ݅ఀ ؀ױೠ

                             ઱੺ ٍী because۽ द੘ೞח ࠗࢎ੺੉ োѾػ ҳઑੑפ׮  ࠗࢎ੺੄ ਤ஖ח
                             ઱੺੄ খҗ ٍী ݽف ৢ ࣻ ੓যਃ   ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ ઱য زࢎ _  ഋక৬ খ
                             ীࢲ ߓ਍ о૑஖ӝ ࠗ࠙ਸ ଺ইࠁࣁਃ   because they exude a warmth and
                             beauty ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ ઱য زࢎ _  ੑפ׮

                              о૑஖ӝ ഛੋ

                               You will cherish these books  because they exude a warmth and beauty
                               ׼न਷ ੉ ଼ٜਸ ࣗ઺൤ ৈӝѱ ؼ Ѫ੉׮    ৵ջೞݶ ӒѪٜ਷ ٮڷೣҗ ইܴ׮਑ਸ ߊ࢑ೞҊ ੓ӝ ٸޙী
                                that is incomparable .
                                ࠺Үೡ ࣻ হਸ ݅ఀ ؀ױೠ

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