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15           ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ   ઱য  زࢎ ܳ о૑஖ӝೞۄ                             ೟णੌ          ਘ           ੌ

                  Although Mr. Bean is not

                  handsome, I love him.
                                                                                  ਺ࢿъ੄ ٛӝ
                  ޷झఠ ࠼਷ ੜࢤӝ૓ ঋও૑݅  դ Ӓо જই

                 ળ࠺ױ҅         ৔ޙਸ ੍׮ ࠁݶ ࠗࢎ੺җ ઱੺੉ Ѿ೤ػ ޙ੢ٜਸ ই઱ ݆੉ ݅աѱ ؾפ׮
              о૑஖ӝ ౵ঈೞӝ       ৈ۞ о૑ ӝמਸ ೞח ࠗࢎ੺ ੽ࣘࢎী ޙ੢੉ োѾػ Ѫਸ ࠗࢎ੺੉ۄҊ ೞח
                              ؘ  ׮਺ী ੿ܻػ Ѫٜ਷ о੢ ӝࠄ੸ੋ ੽ࣘࢎٜ੉޲۽ ߈٘द ӝর೧ فࣁਃ
             ࢸݺਸ ੍Ҋ য়ט ߓ਎
             о૑஖ӝ੄ ѐ֛ਸ ੊
                                दр  when _ ٸী  since _ ੉റ۽  before _ ੹ী  after _ റী  as _ ٸী  until _ө૑  while _ زউী
             ഃ ࠁࣁਃ
                                ઑѤ  if ݅ড _ۄݶ  as if ݃஖ _ੋ ٠  once ੌױ _ೞݶ  unless _ೞ૑ ঋਵݶ
                                ੉ਬ  because _੉ӝ ٸޙী  since _੉ӝ ٸޙী  as _੉ӝ ٸޙী
                                নࠁ  although _੐ীب ࠛҳೞҊ  though _੉૑݅  even if [though] ࠺۾ _ੌ૑ۄب

                              ੽ࣘࢎо ੉Սח ࠗࢎ੺੉ ޙ੢ী ࠢਵݶ  ޙ੢੉ ӡযઉࢲ ة೧ೞӝо ө׮܂
                              ભ  ೞ૑݅ ѾҴ ೨ब੸ੋ ղਊ਷ ઱੺ী ׸ѹ ੓ӝ ٸޙী ࠗࢎ੺ਸ о૑஖ӝೠ
                              റ ೨ब ղਊ݅ ݢ੷ ౵ঈೞח ѱ જѷભ  ইې੄ ޙ੢ীࢲ  ੽ࣘࢎ ઱য زࢎ
                              ഋక੄ ࠗࢎ੺ਸ о૑஖ӝ೧ ࠅөਃ

                                   Although Mr. Bean is not handsome, many people in the
                                   world still love him.

                              ࠗࢎ੺ਸ ੉Սח নࠁ੄ ੽ࣘࢎ althoughܳ ଺ও׮ݶ ઱੺ ߄۽ খө૑ о૑஖
                              ӝܳ ೞࣁਃ

                                   Although Mr. Bean is not handsome, many people in the world  still love him.

                              ਃ੼਷ r݆਷ ࢎۈٜ੉ Ӓ ޷झఠ ࠼ ܳ જইೠ׮ sо غח Ѫ੉૑ਃ

                                ળ࠺਍ز   খীࢲ ߓ਍ rо૑sٜਸ Қഐ۽ ޘ਷ റ  աݠ૑ ޙ੢݅ ੍য ࠁࣁਃ
                              ⇡   Because Vancouver has great summer weather, many tourists visit the
                              ⇢  Although Hong Kong is a stunning city, the weather is too hot for me.
                              ⇣  You can call me if you are in an emergency.
                              ⇤   Even though that man is pretty young, he is more mature than many
                              ⇥  Since Starcraft is a complicated game, you need to practice a lot.

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