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P. 18

3   I close my military career as God gave him the light
                                       աח ա੄ ҵ ࢤഝਸ ݃஝פ׮     न੉ Ӓীѱ ҅दܳ ળ Ѫ୊ۢ
                                    to see that duty.

                                    Ӓ ੐ޖܳ ࠁৈ઱ӝ ਤ೧ࢲ

                              ઱੺ I close _ ٍী as۽ द੘ೞח ࠗࢎ੺੉ ਤ஖ೞҊ ੓णפ׮   ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ
                               ઱য زࢎ _  ഋక৬ খীࢲ ߓ਍ о૑஖ӝ ࠗ࠙ਸ ଺ইࠁࣁਃ

                                о૑஖ӝ ഛੋ
                                 I close my military career  as God gave him the light   to see that duty .
                                 աח ա੄ ҵ ࢤഝਸ ݃஝פ׮        न੉ Ӓীѱ ҅दܳ ળ Ѫ୊ۢ    Ӓ ੐ޖܳ ࠁৈ઱ӝ ਤ೧ࢲ

                                  4   Ms. Tudor is remembered as being a unique writer, as
                                    she lived in a house in the countryside of New England
                                    surrounded by a magnificent garden.

                                    ౚ؊ ॿח ӝরػ׮  ةౠೠ ੘о۽ࢲ  Ӓ֗о ࢓ওӝ ٸޙী  ૘ীࢲ  दҎী ੓ח

                                    ׏੔Ӗے٘੄  ل۞ऱੋ  ݧ૓ ੿ਗਵ۽

                              ઱੺ ٍী as she lived _੄ ࠗࢎ੺੉ ࠢয ੓ח ҳઑੑפ׮  ݺࢎ New England
                              ٍী ੓ח җѢ࠙ࢎ p p  ب о૑஖ӝೠ׮ח Ѫب খীࢲ ߓ਍ Ѫਸ ӝরೞद
                              ભ   ӝࠄ ੽ࣘࢎ ઱য زࢎ _  ഋక৬ খীࢲ ߓ਍ о૑஖ӝ ࠗ࠙ਸ ଺ইࠁ

                                о૑஖ӝ ഛੋ

                                 Ms. Tudor is remembered  as being a unique writer ,  as she lived
                                  in a house   in the countryside   of New England   surrounded   by a magnificent
                                 garden .
                                 ౚ؊ ॿח ӝরػ׮  ةౠೠ ੘о۽ࢲ   Ӓ֗о ࢓ওӝ ٸޙী   ૘ীࢲ   दҎী ੓ח   ׏੔Ӗے٘੄
                                  ل۞ऱੋ   ݧ૓ ੿ਗਵ۽

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