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P. 13

           ೨ब ಴അ ౵೻஖ӝ           1   ઝ਄੉ ރী Ӓۧѱ જ׮֎
                                   I heard taking a sitz bath is very
          ࠼஢ਸ ଻਍ റ  য়٣য়ܳ
                                   therapeutic for you!
          ٜਵݴ ೨ब ಴അਸ ੊ഃ

                             sitz bathח rઝ਄sਸ ੄޷ೞݴ  rઝ਄ೞ׮sח take a sitz bathۄҊ ೞݶ غભ
                             therapeutic਷ r஖ܐ࢚੄s  rӟ੢ਸ ಹח ؘ ب਑੉ غחs੄ ੄޷о ੓णפ׮

                             ₖ ઝ਄ೞӝ ੹ী ԙ ޛਸ ݆੉ ݃࣊ঠ ೧
                               You should drink lots of water before          .

                             ₗ ઝ਄ೡ ٸ ৡبܳ ഛੋೞח ѱ ઺ਃ೧
                                It is important to check the temperature when          .
                             ₘ ઝ਄ীח १ਸ ֍যঠ ೧      You have to add some herbs to your    .

                                2   ߈न਄ਸ ੌ઱ੌী ݻ ߣ ೧
                                     How many times do you dip half
                                   your body in the bathtub?

                             dip਷ ਺धਸ r_ী ੸द׮sۄח ੄޷ ৻ীب rރਸ ׸Ӓ׮sۄח ڷਵ۽ب ࢎਊؾ
                             פ׮  ߈न਄਷ half-body bathing੉ۄҊ ೞҊਃ
                             ₖ ߈न਄ਸ ೧ ࠊ             Try                     in the bathtub.
                             ₗ ߈न਄੉ ୓઺ х۝ী ই઱ ബҗ੸੉ۄҊ ೞ؍ؘ
                                I heard that              is very effective for weight loss.

                             ₘ ೠ   ࠙ ੿ب ਄ઑী ރਸ ׸ӒҊ ੓ਵݶ ٲ੉ զ Ѣঠ
                                You will start sweating after    in the bathtub for about 15

                                3   ѹ٘ی੉ ణ উ ޻য
                                     Aren’t you going to shave your
          * ੿׹ *
          ℆ 1 taking a sitz bath
          2 taking a sitz bath
          3 sitz bath        shaveח r޻׮s  rӫ׮sۄח ڷ੉ ੓ਵݴ  ѹ٘ی੉ ణ  ׮ܻ ణ  ࣻ৏ ١ਸ ޻Ѣ
          ℇ 1 dipping half your
          body               ա ӫਸ ٸ ࢎਊೞח زࢎੑפ׮  rѹ٘ی੉ ణਸ ӫ׮sח shave one’s armpits
          2 half-body bathing  ژח shave (the hair) under one’s armsੑפ׮
          3 dipping

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