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3   о઒җ ইஜ धࢎ ઺ী ׸ࣗܳ ա־׮                           01-4.mp3

           ૓ࣻ  ষ݃  Ҵޛ ખ ઱ࣁਃ
           ষ݃  оࢲ ׀ғࠗఠ ڍ૑ ঋਵ     Jinsu     Mom, could I have some soup, please?
           ݶ ইஜ ߏ হਸ ઴ ঌই
                                 Mom      Go and               your eyes first, or else there will
           ૓ࣻ  ই  ষ݃  যઁ ইஜী ੉
           ࠛ উ ѐࢲ દ࣠೧ਃ
                                        be no breakfast.
           ষ݃  ઁदрী ੌযլਵݶ ع
           য  оࢲ ঴ҷ অҊ ׀ғ ખ ڍ    Jinsu     Oh, mom!  I am sorry for not        yesterday
           ۄ  ӒܻҊ ৵ ց ݒੌ ҅ࣘ ੗
           ݺઙ Սח Ѧ ੕যߡܻפ                morning.
           ૓ࣻ  ੉ઁࠗఠח ੺؀ ੕૑ ঋ
                                 Mom      As long as you got up on time, that’s all that matters. Go
           ਸѱਃ  ೟Ү оӝ ੹ী ঌۈ
           Սח Ѣ ԙ ੕૑ ঋਸѱਃ               and wash your face and get the crust off your eyes. And
           ষ݃  ଵ   ইஜ݃׮  झ౟ۨட                      1
           ೞח ੉ਬо ޤפ                    why do you  keep forgetting to     your alarm clock
           ૑৔  য়ࡅо झ౟ۨடਸ ೞݶ             every day?
           ރ੉ ѐ਍ೞ؀ਃ
                                 Jinsu     I promise not to forget from now on. I will remember to
           ষ݃  Ӓې  Ӓۢ ইஜী ݽف
           झ౟ۨட э੉ ೞ੗  ইࡅ ࡐҊ            turn my alarm off before I leave for school.
           ૓ࣻ  ষ݃  ੕ਸ ࡞೮যਃ  ߬    Mom      By the way, why do you    your body every morning?
           ѐ ழߡب ખ ࣁఌ೧ ઱ࣁਃ
           ஜਸ ষ୒ ൗ۷যਃ            Jiyeong   Jinsu says that he feels better after he stretches his body.
           ૑৔  য়ࡅח ؊۞਍ ૙݅ ೧
                                 Mom      Really? Let’s all do our morning stretches together. Let’s
                                         leave dad out. (laughs)
                                 Jinsu     Mom, I almost forgot!  Can you please wash my
             from now on খਵ۽ח           pillowcase, too? I     on it a lot last night.
             pillowcase ߬і੒
                                 Jiyeong Jinsu,  it’s typical of you to do such disgusting things.
           * ੿׹ *
           ℆ make my bed / turned
                                  keep forgetting਷ keep ~ing ಁఢਵ۽ r҅ࣘ೧ࢲ ӯࡆೞ׮sۄח ڷੑפ׮
           off / drooling
                                  leave out਷ r_ਸ ࡐ׮s  rࢎۈh੉ܴ ١ਸ ઁ৻ೞ׮sۄח ڷਵ۽  ৈӝࢲח ইࡅܳ rٮجܻ׮s  r ՙਕ ઱૑
           ℇ stretch / Stretching /
           wash the crust off   ঋ׮s੄ ੄޷۽ ࢎਊغ঻णפ׮
           ℈ wash the crust off /       typical਷ r੹ഋ੸ੋs੄ ڷਵ۽  it’s typical of you to ~ח ࢚؀ߑীѱ ডр ࠺ইրѢܻח ై۽ r_ೞ׮פ
           making my bed / turn off   ց׹׮s੄ ੄޷۽ ॳ੉ח ಴അੑפ׮
           / stretch / drooled

                             ৵ ӈ ߃ਸ অਵۄח Ѣঠ

              ਋ܻח ࠁా ૘ী جইয়ݶ ࣚਸ অਵۄח ݈ਸ ٛѱ غחؘ ࠺೧  ࠘޷ ଃীࢲח धࢎೞӝ ੹ী ӈ߃ਸ װਵۄҊ ೤פ׮
              tӈ߃ਸ অӝ ੹ө૑ח ੷֘ धࢎ হয uۄח ڷ੄ “You won’t get dinner until you wash behind your eyes.”ۄח ݈਷
              ਗয޹ٜ੄ ৻ݽীࢲ ਬېػ ಴അੑפ׮  ঢ়զ ࢲন ࢎۈٜ਷ ӡѱ טযڰܻח ݠܻ झఋੌਸ ೞҊ ੓঻ӝ ٸޙী ӟ ݠܻী о
              ۰૓ ӈ߃ਸ о੢ װ૑ ঋח ࠗ࠙੉ۄҊ ৈӟ Ѣભ  о੢ ؊۞਍ ࠗ࠙ө૑ ӵՖೞѱ অҊ ୒Ѿೠ ރҗ ੗ࣁ۽ धࢎܳ ೧ঠ ೠ׮ח
              ڷ੉ ׸ѹ ੓ח ಴അ੉ۄҊ ೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮

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