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                               1   ઝ਄җ ߈न਄ী ؀೧ ҾӘૐ੉ ࢤӝ׮                          02-2.mp3
           प੹ ഥച ب੹ೞӝ
          ࠼஢ਸ ଻਍ റ  য়٣য়ܳ       Jiyeong  Did you know that a     is a trend these days?
          ٜਵݴ ٮۄ ೞࣁਃ
                               Misu    Why?
                               Jiyeong   The sitz bath  is supposed to  be good for blood
                               Misu    But isn’t a sitz bath only meant for women?
                               Jiyeong  Um, really? I am not really sure.
          ૑৔  ਃ્ ઝ਄੉ ৮੹ ؀ࣁੋ
          Ѣ ঌই                 Misu      Don’t you think men would be better off taking a
          ޷ࣻ ৵                                 ?
          ૑৔  ઝ਄੉ ആঘ ࣽജী જ׮
                               Jiyeong  I think I will ask my brother.
          ޷ࣻ  Ӓؘ۠ ઝ਄਷ ৈ੗ೠప
          ݅ જ਷ Ѣ ইפঠ
                                 be supposed toח r_ೞӝ۽ غয ੓׮s  r_೧ঠ ೠ׮s੄ ڷੑפ׮  ডࣘ੉ա ӏ஗ ٸޙী ޥоܳ ೧ঠ ೡ
          ૑৔  ਺  Ӓ۠о  ੜ ݽܰѷ֎
                               ٸա  যڃ ੌ੉ ੌযաӝܳ ӝ؀ೞҊ ੓חؘ ੌযա૑ ঋওਸ ٸীب ॳ੉ח ಴അ੉ભ
          ޷ࣻ  թ੗ٜ਷ ߈न਄ਸ ೞח
          ѱ ؊ જ૑ ঋਸө            r_ী જ׮sח ڷਵ۽  ࢚ടী ٮۄ r যڃ ӝрhѢܻܳ  ૑ఝೞ׮s  r যڃ ӝр زউ  ਬബೞ׮s੄ ڷਵ۽ب
          ૑৔  য়ࡅೠప ޛযࠊঠѷয      ॳੑפ׮  a license good for one year ח r ֙ زউ ਬബೠ ݶೲૐs੉ۄח ڷ੉ભ

                               2   ઝ਄җ ߈न਄ ੹ޙоੋ ষ݃ীѱ ޚ׮                          02-3.mp3

          ૑৔  ষ݃  ࠁా ઝ਄ਸ ־о
          ؊ ݆੉ ೧ਃ  թ੗ਃ  ৈ੗ਃ    Jiyeong   Mom, who usually uses the    more, men or women?
          ষ݃  Ӗ्  ஖૕ ஖ܐܳ ਤೠ
          ҃਋ۄݶ թ੗ա ৈ੗ ݽفী      Mom       Well, as far as I know, the sitz bath is very therapeutic for
          ѱ ઝ਄੉ ب਑੉ ؼ Ѣঠ
                                       both men and women for treating hemorrhoids.
          ૑৔  ষ݃ח ઱۽ ߈न਄ਸ ೞ
          दਗ਼ইਃ  Ӓۧભ            Jiyeong  Mom, you usually             in the bathtub, right?
          ষ݃  ׼োೞ૑  ߈न਄ਸ ೞݶ
          Ѥъী જই               Mom     Of course. Dipping half your body in the bathtub is good
          ૑৔  ষ݃  ੌ઱ੌী ݻ ߣ ߈           for your health.
          न਄ਸ ೞࣁਃ
          ষ݃  ࠁా ೞܖѦ۞ ೠ ߣঀ     Jiyeong   Mom, how many times a week do you dip half your body
                                       in the bathtub?
          ૑৔  աب ষ݃୊ۢ ؊ ੗઱
          ೧ঠѷযਃ  ষ݃                                                      1
                               Mom       I usually           in the bathtub  every other
                               Jiyeong   I think I should dip myself in a half bathtub more often
           blood circulation ആঘ        like you, mom.
           mean যڃ ਊب ١ী ݏ୶
           য ৘੿ೞ׮               rೞܖѦ۞sۄח ੄޷ੑפ׮  ଵҊ۽ the day before yesterdayח rӒ੷ԋs  the day after tomorrowח
           therapeutic ஖ܐ࢚੄  ஖  rղੌݽۨsܳ աఋշפ׮
                                 I think I should ~ח rղо ࢤпೞӝী _೧ঠ ೠ׮sۄח ੄޷੄ ಴അੑפ׮
           hemorrhoids ஖૕  ஖೨

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