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ₗ झ౟ۨடਸ ೞ׮ ஜ؀ীࢲ ڄয઎য           I fell off the bed while I was   .
                              ₘ झ౟ۨடਸ ೞݶ ޡଢ଼؍ Ӕਭٜ੉ ಽযઉࢲ જই
                                           is good for your body because it helps relax all the tight

                                 4   ׀ғ ખ ڍۄ
                                       Take out your eye booger!

                              boogerח ઱۽ ௏ٯ૑ܳ ੌஷҊ r׀ғs੉ۄҊ ೡ ٸח eye boogerۄҊ ೤פ׮
                              ࠺तೠ ಴അਵ۽ Wash the crust off your eyes!   Wash the sand off your
           take out਷ ৖੄ ಴അীࢲ   eyes! ١੉ ੓חؘ  take out ؀न wash offܳ ࢎਊ೧ࢲ rװই ղ׮s  ૊ rઁѢೞ
           r_ਸ ڍ׮s  r_ਸ ઁѢೞ׮s
           ۄח ੄޷۽ ॳ৓૑݅  ࢚ട    ׮sۄח ڷਸ աఋղҊ  booger ؀न crust ژח sandܳ ॳӝب ೤פ׮
           ী ٮۄ to go୊ۢ r਺धਸ
           ऱ о׮sۄח ڷਵ۽ب ॳੑ    ₖ ׀ғ ڍ۰׮ ղ ׀ਸ ପۥয
                                I poked my eyes while trying to                   .

                              ₗ ׀ғ ڍӝ ੹ীח ߏ উ ઻
                                You can’t have breakfast unless you                    .

                              ₘ ց ׀ғ੉ ؊؋؊؋ ࠢ঻য          Your eyes are covered with        .

                                 5   ੉ࠛ ખ ѐۄ
                                      Make your own bed.

                              ਋ܻח ੉ࠗ੗ܻܳ rѐ׮s  rӭ׮s  rಝ׮s ١ਵ۽ ׮নೞѱ ಴അೞ૑݅  ৔যח
                              makeܳ ࢎਊ೧ rஜ؀ܳ ੿ܻೞ׮sۄח ೠ о૑ ಴അਵ۽ աఋշפ׮  ઱੄ೡ Ѫ
                              ਷ make bedо ইפۄ make one’s bedա make the bed, ژח make a bed
                              ۽ ಴അೠ׮ח Ѫ੉ભ
           * ੿׹ *
           ℈ 1 stretch
           2 stretching       ₖ ੉ࠛ ખ ѐ ઴ې                            Can you              ?
           3 Stretching
                              ₗ ੉ࠛ ѐח Ѣ ੕૑ ݃                    Don’t forget to           .
           ℉ 1 take out my eye
           boogers            ₘ ੉ࠛ উ ѐࢲ દ࣠೧ਃ                 I am sorry for not           .
           2 take out your eye
           3 eye boogers
           ℊ 1 make your bed
           2 make your bed
           3 making my bed

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