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֔૩݃ ₀ ա־ח ച য۽ যڌѱ ݈ೡө
31 ৩ оѱীࢲ ೞח ݈
Does it look a little out of style? 201
32 ࣁఌࣗীࢲ ೞח ݈
Can I get my sneakers dry-cleaned here? 207
33 ழೖࣸীࢲ ೞח ݈
Please add some cream. 213
34 بࢲҙীࢲ ೞח ݈
Do I need my library card to check out books? 219
35 ਗীࢲ ೞח ݈
What is the deadline to cancel a class? 225
36 ఖߓhಞޛਸ ݐӝҊ ਸ ٸ ೞח ݈
Could you please hold onto my mail for me? 231
37 ৈ೯ਸ ডೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
Do you have one-day tour packages? 237
38 ജࠛhҮജਸ ਃೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
I would like to exchange this for a new one. 243
39 ރ ࢚ ૐࣁܳ ࢸݺೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
My stomach often gets bloated with gas. 249
40 ݈ౌೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
You have betrayed my trust. 255