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૩݃ ₀ ݒੌ ೞח ೯ز য۽ যڌѱ ݈ೡө
01 ইஜী ੌযաࢲ ೞח ݈
Take out your eye booger. 015
02 ݾী ҙ೧ ೞח ݈
Aren’t you going to shave your armpits? 021
03 ރ Ѿ ҙܻী ҙ೧ ೞח ݈
You should clean out your ears. 027
04 ߏ ݡਸ ٸ ೞח ݈
Don’t skip breakfast. 033
05 ӈоо ןয ٸ ೞח ݈
Please don’t wait up for me. 039
06 ೠ ࢤഝী ೧ ೞח ݈
I can’t stand my boss. 045
07 ࢎޖपীࢲ ೞח ݈
I’m leaving for the day. 051
08 زܐ৬ ਵ۽ ೞח ݈
I am scared of being fired. 057
09 ஹೊఠ৬ ҙ۲ػ ࢚ടীࢲ ೞח ݈
I think my computer has been hacked. 063
10 ݫੌਸ ॶ ٸ ೞח ݈
Clean out your inbox, please. 069
ل૩݃ ₀ ࣻद۽ ೞח ഒ݈ য۽ যڌѱ ݈ೡө
11 ஶ٣࣌ উ જਸ ٸ ೞח ݈
I look awful! 077
12 ই ૐࣁܳ അೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
I feel like throwing up. 083
13 ૐաҊ ࠛ݅झ۞ ٸ ೞח ݈
Things have gone awry all day today. 089
14 թਸ டଲೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
He is very meticulous to detail. 095
15 ਤ۽ೞѢա Ѻ۰ೡ ٸ ೞח ݈
There will always be another opportunity. 101