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খࢲ ള۲ೠ ޙ ֎౭࠳ٜ ചীࢲ যڌѱ ഝਊغח ഛੋ೧ࠁࣁਃ ٜਵݶࢲ ٮۄ ݈೧
ࠁח Ѫب ݃ࣁਃ
James You have a very SRVLWLYH DWWLWXGH towards the news,
don’t you?
Min Yes, I do. I have benefited a lot by reading the news.
Ü ೧ࢳ 342 ଃী
1 old-fashioned
rঢ়զध ҳधsۄח ڷੑפ GBTIJPO о ৩ࡺ݅ ইפۄ ݽٚ ਬ೯ਸ ನೣೞח ױযۄࢲ PME GBTIJPO ৩
৻ীب ࢎਊೞભ
t I don’t want people to think that I am old-fashioned. ࢎۈٜ աܳ ҳधۄҊ ࢤпೞח Ѫ फযਃ
t My father gave me a 9 pm curfew. He is such an old-fashioned man.
ইߡо ֘ द ాӘदрਸ ೮যਃ ցޖ ҳधীਃ
2 Why would you say that?
r৵ Ӓ۠ ݈ਸ ೞભ sۄח ڷੑפ ࢚ߑ ݈ ഛ ೧о উ غѢա Ӓ۠ ݈ਸ ೞח ܳ ഛੋೞҊ रਸ
ٸ ࢎਊೞݶ જইਃ
t A: I don’t think you are fit for that position. न Ӓ ܻী ݏ ঋח Ѫ эইਃ
B: I disagree. Why would you say that? زೞ ঋইਃ ৵ Ӓ۠ ݈ਸ ೞભ
3 positive attitude
rӛੋ కبsۄח ڷਵ۽ IBWFա LFFQ زࢎ ݾয۽ ࢎਊೞݶ ؾפ যڃ Ѫਸ જѱ ࢤпೡ ٸ ࢎਊೞݶ
જ അীਃ
t I believe that a positive attitude is the key to success. ӛੋ కبо ࢿҕ ৌ࣭ۄҊ ࢤп೧ਃ
t How do you keep a positive attitude when you are sad? ठ ٸ যڌѱ ӛੋ కبܳ ਬೞࣁਃ
41 News ↟ 269