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               James     Do you keep up with the current issues?

                Min     Yes, I do. In fact, this morning I read a newspaper
                     story about the earthquake in Japan yesterday.

               James  I saw that on the TV news last night. I’m a bit worried.
                     Where do you get most of your news?

                Min     I don’t like watching TV news programs. I read the
                     newspaper in the subway on my way to work.

               James     That’s a bit ROG IDVKLRQHG . I didn’t think you were a
                     newspaper person.

                Min     :K\ ZRXOG \RX VD\ WKDW"
               James     I thought you would just use a news app on your
                     smartphone or something like that.

                Min     That is prejudice. Anyway, how often do you watch
                     the news or read the news?

               James     Almost every day. What section of the newspaper
                     do you like to read?

                Min  I love the international news section. I’m very interested
                     in different things happening around the world.

               James     Wow, that is impressive. Is reading the newspaper a
                     good way to improve your English?

                Min     I definitely think so. The grammar is perfect and the
                     content is very educational.

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