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2 ޙ ਊ೧ ೞӝ
1 How is the weather today? য়ט զॿח যڃоਃ
It is today. য়ט ؘਃ
rainy ࠺ য়ח ] sunny ೭߾ જ ] cloudy ҳܴ оٙೠ ] chilly ववೠ ] pleasant զॿо જ
2 When is the best season to visit Korea?
ઁо ೠҴਸ ߑޙೞӝী о જ ҅ীਃ
҅ is the best season to visit Korea.
Because .
ೠҴ ী ߑޙೞח Ѫ о જইਃ ৵ջೞݶ
ₖ Spring ࠆ, we have famous cherry blossom festivals. ਬݺೠ ߫Ԣ ୷ઁٜ णפ
ₗ Summer ৈܴ, you can enjoy water sports. ࢚ࣻ झನஎܳ ૌӡ ࣻ णפ
ₘ Fall оਸ, the tree leaves turn colorful and the weather is perfect for outdoor
activities. աޠٜ ঌ۾׳۾೧Ҋ ঠ৻ഝزਸ ೞӝী ৮߷ೠ զॿੑפ
ₙ Winter, you can enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding.
ѹ झః৬ झ֢ࠁ٘ э ѹझನஎܳ ૌӡ ࣻ णפ
3 Which do you like better: hot weather or cold weather?
؊ զॿ৬ ୶ զॿ যו ଃ ؊ જইਃ
I like զॿ weather better. Because
զॿо જইਃ ৵ջೞݶ
ₖ hot, I like water sports. I can’t enjoy water sports when it is cold.
؊ ࢚ࣻ झನஎܳ જই೧ਃ ୶ݶ ࢚ࣻ झನஎܳ ૌӡ ࣻ হযਃ
ₗ hot, I was born in summer and I can’t handle the cold well.
؊ ৈܴী కযաࢲ ୶ Ѧ ੜ ޅ Ѽءਃ
ₘ cold, I like winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding.
୶ झః৬ झ֢ࠁ٘ э ѹ झನஎܳ જই೧ਃ
ₙ cold, I love snow. ୶ ׀ਸ જই೧ਃ