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               Ӓزউ ૕ޙী ؀ೠ ׹੉ ೦࢚ ױ׹ഋਵ۽ ՘լ׮ݶ ੉ઁ ޙ੢ਵ۽ ݈೧ࠁࣁਃ  ੄ޙޙਸ ಣࢲޙ
               ਵ۽ ߄Բݶ рױೠ ޙ੢ਵ۽ ؀׹ೡ ࣻ ੓णפ׮  ޙ੢ ؀׹ ള۲ द੘೧ ࠅөਃ

           4   Do you watch the weather forecast? ੌӝ৘ࠁܳ ࠁࣁਃ
                   Yes, I watch the weather forecast. Because
                                ֎  ੌӝ৘ࠁܳ ࠊਃ  ৵ջೞݶ

                   ₖ  I want to dress according to the weather. զॿী ݏ୾ ৩ਸ ੑҊ रѢٚਃ
                   ₗ  I can check if I need to take an umbrella. ਋࢑ਸ ୃѹঠ ೞח૑ ഛੋೡ ࣻ ੓যਃ

                   No, I don’t watch the weather forecast. Because

                                ইפਃ  ੌӝ৘ࠁܳ ࠁ૑ ঋইਃ  ৵ջೞݶ
                   ₖ  I don’t trust the weather forecast. ੌӝ৘ࠁܳ ޺૑ ঋইਃ
                   ₗ  I don’t have time to. दр੉ হযਃ

           5   Has the weather ever affected your plan?
               զॿо ҅ദী ৔ೱਸ ޷஘ ੸੉ ੓যਃ

                   Yes, the weather has affected my plan. Because
                                ֎  զॿо ҅ദী ৔ೱਸ ޷஘ ੸੉ ੓যਃ  ৵ջೞݶ
                   ₖ  it rained when I wanted to go on a picnic. ࣗೂਸ оҊ र঻חؘ ࠺о ৳যਃ
                   ₗ  it snowed when I wanted to go hiking. ١࢑ਸ оҊ र঻חؘ ׀੉ ৳যਃ

                   No, the weather has never affected my plan.
                  ইפਃ  զॿо ҅ദী ৔ೱਸ ޷஘ ੸੉ হযਃ  ৵ջೞݶ
                   ₖ  whatever the weather is, I don’t mind doing outdoor activities.
                     զॿо যڌٚ ঠ৻ীࢲ ഝزೞח Ѫ੉ ҡଳਵפөਃ
                   ₗ  I aways check the weather forecast before I make a plan.
                     ҅ദਸ ࣁ਋ӝ ੹ী ೦࢚ ੌӝ৘ࠁܳ ഛੋ೧ਃ

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