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                2       ૕ޙ ৉੉ਊ೧ ؀׹ೞӝ

         1   Where do you get most of your news?
             য٣ীࢲ ׏झܳ о੢ ݆੉ ੽ೞࣁਃ
                 I get most of my news from                  .
                         ਵ ۽ ׏झܳ о੢ ݆੉ ੽೧ਃ

                 TV TV ] smartphone news apps झ݃౟ಪ ׏झ জ ] the Internet ੋఠ֔ ] the newspaper नޙ

         2   How often do you watch or read the news?
             ঴݃ա ੗઱ 57۽ ׏झܳ ࠁѢա नޙਸ ੍ਵࣁਃ
                 I watch the news on TV                  and I read the
                news                .        TV۽ ׏झܳ ࠁҊ        नޙਸ ੍যਃ

                 on weekends ઱݈ী  almost every day ݒੌ ] once or twice a day ೞܖী ೠف ߣ
                 about three times a week ੌ઱ੌী 3ߣତ

         3   When do you normally read the news? ঱ઁ ઱۽ ׏झܳ ੍ਵࣁਃ

                 I normally read the news                  .
                ઱۽         ׏झܳ ੍যਃ
                 while having breakfast ইஜ ݡਵݶࢲ ] when I’m commuting ୹ృӔ ೡ ٸ ] before
                 going to bed ਫ਼ٜӝ ੹ী

         4   What section of the newspaper do you like to read?
             नޙ যו ݶਸ ੍ח Ѫਸ જইೞࣁਃ
                 I like to read              section of the newspaper.
                नޙ੄         ݶਸ ੍ח Ѫਸ જই೧ਃ

                 the international news Ҵઁ ׏झ ] the national news Ҵղ ׏झ ] the economy ҃ઁ

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