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P. 3

13  Fashion
                           I want to be beautiful   ইܴ׮ਕ૑Ҋ रযਃ            j     090
                       14  Soccer
                           Let’s cheer for my soccer team!   ਋ܻ ୷ҳ ౱ਸ ਽ਗ೧ਃ    j     096
                       15  Watching TV
                           Do you watch TV to kill time?   57ܳ दр ٸ਋ӝ۽ ࠁࣁਃ    j     102

                       16  Movies
                           Do you want to watch a movie?   ৔ച ࠅېਃ         j     108

                       17  Music
                           Music heals pain   ਺ঈ਷ ই೓ਸ ஖ܐ೧ਃ                j     114
                       18 Shopping
                           I’ll take this   ੉Ѧ۽ ೡѱਃ                       j     120

                       19  Online shopping
                           I’m on a shopping spree   ૑ܴन੉ য়࣑যਃ            j     126
                       20  Computer games
                           I enjoy playing computer games   ஹೊఠ ѱ੐ਸ ૌѹਃ   j     132

                Part 3      Leisure activities spice up your life   |   ࢕ਸ ೂਃ܂ѱ ೞח ৈо ഝز

                       21  Stress
                           Relieve stress the right way   झ౟ۨझܳ ઁ؀۽ ಽযਃ   j     140

                       22  Sleeping
                           Don’t let the bed bugs bite   ੗ח زউ ߥۨী ޛܻ૑ ঋѱ ઑब೧ਃ   j     146
                       23  Reading a book
                           Do you like to read?   ଼ ੍ח Ѣ જইೞࣁਃ            j     152

                       24  Riding a bicycle
                           It’s a perfect day to ride a bike   ੗੹Ѣ ఋӝ જ਷ զ੉ীਃ    j     158
                       25  Hiking
                           Climbing a mountain is fun   ١࢑਷ ੤޷੓যਃ         j     164
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