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There is little evidence that it kills jobs.

            ਬب ࠗࢎ there be ~ীח ੹ജҗ աৌ੄ ׊ঔझо ੓णפ׮. Ӓېࢲ ؀ѐח
            andա tooա also হ੉ ࢎਊؾפ׮.
                 “ই݃ઓ੉ ੌ੗ܻܳ হঙ׮ח ૐѢب Ѣ੄ হ׮.”

                                                           Studies      5th paragraph
                 of the “Amazon effect” suggest that new warehouse and de-
                 livery jobs offset the decline in shop assistants, and the firm’s
                 minimum hourly wage of $15 in America is above the median
                 for the retail trade.

            indicate੄ ੄޷۽ ࢎਊػ suggest੄ ઱য৬ ݾ੸য ੺੉ ‘эण’פ׮. suggest
            о ੌઙ੄ ֤ܻ ো࢑੗۽ ࢎਊغҊ ੓ח Ѣભ. Studies of the “Amazon ef-
            fect”=(that) new warehouse and delivery jobs offset the decline in shop
            assistants. খী աৡ show زࢎ, confirm زࢎ৬ب э֎ਃ. 2ഋधҗ 3ഋध੄
            ੼੉ ૑؀ ѐ֛੉ ੼੼ ؊ ࠙ݺೞѱ ੉೧غ঻ਵݶ જѷणפ׮.

                 But Amazon’s strategy does imply huge creative disruption in
                 the jobs market even as the economy reels.             6th paragraph

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