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P. 19

In the past year the shares of warehousing
                 firms, which thrive on e-commerce, have outperformed those
                 of shopping-mall landlords by 48 percentage points.

            outperform੉ۆ ױযח ‘प੸’(performance)੉ ؀࢚যܳ ‘מоೞ׮’(out)ۆ

            ڷੑפ׮. ы਷ زࢎী out-੉ۆ ੽فࢎо ࠢযࢲ ഝਊغח ߑधਸ ҙ଴೧ فद
            ӝ ߄ۉפ׮. ژ ׮ܲ ഋక੄ ࠺Ү ಴അ੉૑ਃ.                                  4th paragraph

                               By this account, the new digital surge con-
                 firms Amazon’s inexorable rise.

            ੉ ޙ੢ਸ ೧ࢳ೧ ࠁݶ ׮਺җ эणפ׮. “࢜۽਍ ٣૑ణ ಩١ ࢎకח, ੉۠ ࢸݺ
            ਵ۽, ই݃ઓ੄ ࢚थࣁо ষোೠ ࢎप੐ਸ ഛੋ೧ ળ׮.”

                 Ӓؘ۠, confirm(ࢎप੐ਸ ࠁৈ઱׮)ਸ ઺बਵ۽ ઱য৬ ؀࢚যܳ ޛՍ
            ۞޷ ҙ଴೧ ࠁݶ, new digital surge=Amazon’s inexorable rise੐ਸ ঌ ࣻ
            ੓णפ׮. confirm਷ খী աৡ show ҅ৌੑפ׮. (Ѿҗ)=(ਗੋ)੉ӝب ೞҊ,
            (੹୓)=(ࠗ࠙)੉ӝب ೞݴ, ઱যࠗ৬ ؀࢚যࠗо ‘ഋ૕ ੹ജ’         transformation ਸ ా೧

            ‘эӝ’ب ೤פ׮. 2ഋधҗ 3ഋध੄ ੼੉ ૑؀ ѐ֛੉ ಟ୛ࠁ੉ח ੉ ӝޑೠ ೂ҃
            ਸ ‘٣झ۽ா੉࣌ ֏ࢲझ’    Nexus of Dislocation ۄҊب ೞ૑ਃ.

                 ೠಞਵ۽, ੉ ޙ੢਷ ઙࣘҳ(by this account)৬ ઱੺(A)੉ Ѿ೤ػ ҳ
            ઑੋؘ, ੹஖ࢎ byܳ ઺बਵ۽ب ࠅ ࣻ ੓णפ׮. A by this account. A=this
            accountо غ૑ਃ. җхೠ ୶ۿਸ ೠ ߣ ؊ ೧ࠁݶ, this account=new digital

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