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ߨ য৬ زࢎ ઑزࢎ৬ زࢎਗഋ IBWF৬ Q Q যҳ ࢎח ࠗࢎ
ࠗࢎ ೡ
↟زࢎ ࣻध TQFBL MPVEMZ दՍۣѱ ݈ೞ
↟ഋਊࢎ ࣻध SFBMMZ IBQQZ ݒ ೯ࠂೠ
↟ܲ ࠗࢎ ࣻध SFBMMZ MPVEMZ ݒ दՍۣѱ
↟ޙ ࣻध )BQQJMZ IF EJEOsU EJF ೯झۣѱب Ӓח લ ঋও
ࠗࢎ ౠ
ࠗࢎח ࢤۚ೧ب ޙী ೱਸ ঋਵݴ ࣻ ਃࣗ য زࢎ ݾয ࠁয খҗ ٍ ژח ࢎী ਤ
ೠ ױ زࢎ৬ ݾয ࢎীח ৢ ࣻ হ
1 ਬഋਸ ঈ೧ ࠊ
1. The board of directors must ------- review and assess the company’s progress in carrying out
long-term plans.
(A) regular (B) regularly (C) regularity (D) regulate
2. After noticing a serious error in the next year’s business plan, the CEO ------- called a meeting of
all those concerned.
(A) prompt (B) promptness (C) prompts (D) promptly
3. Our heaters have ------- proven to be 25% more efficient than heaters manufactured by our
(A) consistently (B) consistency (C) consistent (D) consist
ࠁӝܳ ಝࠁݶ э ױয ߸ഋ ഋకٜ ৳ਵ۽ ࠼ খҗ ٍܳ ݢ ߣ ޙઁח ઑزࢎ৬ زࢎ
ਗഋ ࢎী ߣ ޙઁח য৬ زࢎ ࢎী ߣ ޙઁח IBWF৬ Q Q ࢎী ࠼ ਤ೧ ࣁ ޙઁ ݽف
࠼ ࠗ࠙ হযب ޙਸ ҳࢿೞחؘ হਸ ঌ ࣻ
28 যഋ ߂ ޙߨ ಞ