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3 पী ਊ೧ ࠊ 130%
1. If you do not want to receive direct mail or 6. Mr. Gu asked his two assistants to help
phone calls from us, you may send ------- ------- set up the projectors in the meeting
request to the postal address above. rooms.
(A) you (A) he ઁغח
(B) your (B) his
(C) yourself (C) him
(D) yours (D) himself
2. Speakers are requested to hand in ------- 7. It is strongly suggested that employees keep
presentation materials at least 2 hours before records of the hours ------- work and what
their talk. they have been paid.
(A) they (A) they
(B) them (B) those
(C) their (C) them
(D) theirs (D) their
3. Mr. Andoranti will lead the seminar, so any 8. After ------- review additional surveillance
questions and requests should be directed to tapes, the police officers are hoping to get a
-------. better description of the suspect.
(A) he (A) their
(B) his (B) theirs
(C) himself (C) they
(D) him (D) them
4. The manager informed me that he has sent 9. Brenda said having the opportunity to work at
a complimentary booklet regarding the overseas branches made ------- interested in
information ------- requested. the position.
(A) me (A) she
(B) my (B) her
(C) mine (C) hers
(D) I (D) herself
5. The Shin Hwa Company requests that its staff 10. The membership card will allow ------- to
be responsible for ------- development. take advantage of all of the benefits the
company offers.
(A) they
(B) them (A) we
(C) themselves (B) our
(D) their own (C) ours
(D) us
߂ ೧ࢸ ಕী
Chapter 01 @ ݒਘ ઁغח ޙઁ 33