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3 पী ਊ೧ ࠊ 169%
1. The ------- of the new restaurant in the Sebu 6. The GW Language Institute is dedicated to
area has helped it grow between some larger helping college students find ------- in their
restaurants that have moved into the area. academic goals.
(A) popularity (A) success ઁغח
(B) popularizes (B) successfully
(C) popular (C) successful
(D) popularly (D) succeed
2. Mr. Williams earned a ------- from the award 7. Before receiving ------- to use Wigerly Hall,
committee for his work in improving employee you should ask the event coordinator to
benefits. confirm its availability.
(A) commendably (A) authoritative
(B) commendation (B) authorized
(C) commendable (C) authorize
(D) commend (D) authorization
3. In order to make a better impression on your 8. Representatives from the STV Group’s five
potential employer, specify your work-related subsidiaries will meet one another to discuss
------- such as professional certifications, plans to increase ------- between separate
publications, awards, and military service. subsidiaries.
(A) accomplishes (A) cooperation
(B) accomplished (B) cooperative
(C) accomplishing (C) cooperate
(D) accomplishments (D) cooperated
4. The personnel director at Whitehouse Electric 9. The city council’s Web site is currently unable
stressed hard work and ------- as the most to be accessed due to the ------- errors.
vital qualities for a successful candidate.
(A) temporarily
(A) dedication (B) temporary
(B) dedicate (C) temporality
(C) dedicated (D) temporalize
(D) dedicatedly
10. ------- for the company’s meeting room
5. The readership of East and West, a cooking must be made 24 hours prior to the start of
magazine with an impressive international the meeting.
-------, has improved this year.
(A) Reserved
(A) circulation (B) Reservations
(B) circulate (C) Reserve
(C) circulatory (D) Reservable
(D) calculatedly
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Chapter 01 @ ݒਘ ઁغח ޙઁ 27