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3 पী ਊ೧ ࠊ
1. Best Buy shoppers can get free shipping 6. Whitfield Consulting, which is working closely
------- they purchase more than 5 items or the with government officials, will be closed next
total amount they purchase exceeds $300. Monday ------- a national holiday falls on the
(A) than
(B) that (A) until
(C) just (B) in spite of
(D) if (C) by
(D) because
2. Registration for the workshop will not
be completed ------- all of the required 7. To ensure customer satisfaction, make sure
documents are received. you know how this new system works
------- you can clearly answer any customer’s
(A) until
(B) just
(C) only (A) whereas
(D) what (B) so that
(C) as if
(D) neither
3. Several projects for which Nobel Laboratories
has received funding are scheduled to begin
next month ------- a sufficient amount of 8. Dr. Jacky Mason will have worked as a
space is available. physician for the World Health Organization
for 20 years ------- she retires.
(A) as if
(B) provided that (A) by the time
(C) in reality (B) in order for
(D) other than (C) as much as
(D) now that
4. ------- the board of directors has addressed
the need for an aggressive advertising 9. New recruits should contact the personnel
campaign, nothing has been done to improve manager immediately ------- they cannot
the situation. attend the orientation program designed for
(A) Because of
(B) Whether (A) why
(C) As always (B) due to
(D) Although (C) if
(D) regarding
5. Hotel guests are advised to keep their
valuables secure in the safe ------- they leave 10. ------- he hired an assistant to help him,
their rooms. Mr. Lee still handles all client-related issues
(A) whenever
(B) whomever (A) So that
(C) whatever (B) Even though
(D) whichever (C) When
(D) Until
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