Page 11 -
P. 11

Organize & Summary

                         A   Fill out the organizer with the information you learned in the story.

                                                Storms are a kind of severe weather that
                                                occurs in all climates.

                                    Detail                         Detail                          Detail
                               Thunderstorms                     Tornadoes                       Hurricane

                          Thunderstorms are the
                          most common storms.
                          They can create static

                          ele ctr icity. It also
                          makes  a  loud  crash  of

                         B   Fill in the blanks with the correct words to summarize the story.

                                climates    pressure    vortex    tornadoes    electricity    dangerous

                            Storms are one of the severe weather that occurs in all                   .

                            Thunderstorms are the most common storms. They can create static

                                              . It also makes a loud crash of thunder. Tornadoes start
                            when a sudden drop in air pressure creates a                   . Many

                                              touch down in the Midwest which is called Tornado Alley.

                            Hurricanes are the strongest and most                    storms. They are

                            caused by a warm low                    system that evaporates water from


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