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Comprehension Checkup

                    Choose the best answer.

                    1  What is this story mainly about?

                        a. how the weather is formed
                        b. various kinds of severe weather

                        c. some advantages of severe weather

                        d. the most severe weather in the world

                    2   When warm and cool air swirl together inside the cloud, what is

                        a. rain                                   b. thunder

                        c. high pressure                          d. static electricity

                    3  Tornadoes form when                                            .

                        a. a cloud has static electricity         b. electricity shoots out of the cloud

                        c. a warm front meets a cold front  d. warm air and cool air swirl together

                    4   Hurricanes                        from a weak category 1 to a strong

                        category 5.
                        a. blow wind                              b. touch ground

                        c. evaporate water                        d. vary in strength

                    5   What is the area that many tornadoes hit in the American Midwest


                        a. vortex                                 b. Camile
                        c. Tornado Alley                          d. the Gulf of Mexico.

                    6  What is true about severe weather?
                        a. Tornadoes create thunder and lightning.

                        b. Hurricanes make a loud crash of thunder.

                        c. Thunderstorms are the most dangerous storms.
                        d. The strongest hurricane on record was Camile.

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