Page 14 -
P. 14

Comprehension Checkup

                    Choose the best answer.

                    1  What is this story mainly about?

                        a. what the sun does to Earth
                        b. various seasons in the world

                        c. the four seasons and their features

                        d. what we have to do each season

                    2  The tilt of the Earth’s                           creates the four seasons.

                        a. temperature                            b. rainfall
                        c. sun energy                             d. axis

                    3  When do farmers harvest their crops?
                        a. spring                                 b. summer

                        c. autumn                                 d. winter

                    4   When Earth’s axis faces the                           of the sun, it cannot

                        receive many sunrays.

                        a. east                                   b. top

                        c. orbit                                  d. opposite

                    5  As Earth moves closer to the sun, it                                            .

                        a. starts chirping                        b. has four seasons
                        c. receives more sunrays                  d. creates many fun things

                    6  Which is true about the four seasons?
                        a. The days get longer and warmer in fall.

                        b. Earth receives the most sunrays in summer.

                        c. Winter comes when Earth’s axis is facing the sun.
                        d. Earth receives fewer sunrays when it moves closer to the sun.

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