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P. 15

Vocabulary Focus

                         A   Match the words with their correct definitions.

                        1 opposite           •              •  a a ray of sunlight

                        2 below              •              •  b to make high-pitched sounds

                                                                  to lower one’s temperature when it’s too
                        3 face               •              •  c

                        4 sunray             •              •  d to be oriented in a certain direction

                        5 cool off           •              •  e in or to a place that is lower

                                                                  a person or thing that is opposite or
                        6 chirp              •              •  f

                         B   Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

                                 faces       opposite       sunrays       below       chirping       shades

                        1   Summer has the strongest                      .

                        2  In winter, temperatures often fall                       -3°C.

                        3  The birds are                       as they wake up from their winter sleep.

                        4  Earth’s axis faces mostly                       the sun in winter.

                        5  Some fruits have different                       of red.

                        6   When Earth’s axis                       the sun, summer comes with hot

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