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P. 9

DAY 02                                                          ӝ੸੄৔ױয1_04

   021      call                 ز  ࠗܰ׮  ੹ചೞ׮
            >–¯z—@              My  friends call me Jen.  ղ ஘ҳٜ਷ աܳ ઃ੉ۄҊ ࠗܲ׮
                                I’ll call you soon.  Әߑ ੹ചೡѱ

   022      can                  ઑ  _ೡ ࣻ ੓׮  _೧ب ػ׮
            >–½™@               I can swim.  դ ࣻ৔ೡ ઴ উ׮
                                Can I have another cookie?  ௢ః ೞա ؊ ݡযب ظਃ

   023      card                 ݺ  ஠٘
            >–§z…@             He sent me a birthday card.
                                Ӓо աীѱ ࢤੌ ஠٘ܳ ࠁչয

   024      change               ز  ߄Բ׮  ߸ചदః׮   ݺ  ਖ਼ت  Ѣझܴت

            >Ÿ´”™×@            Leaves change color in the fall.  оਸীח աޠ੖ ࢝ӭ੉ ߄Ո׮
                                Here’s your change.  ৈӝ Ѣझܴت ੓যਃ

   025      child                ݺ যܽ੉  ই੉    ࠂ children ই੉ٜ

            >Ÿ´Œ”—@            When I was a child, I lived in a country village.
                                য۷ਸ ٸ աח दҎ ݃ਸী ࢓ও׮
                                ز੄য  kid     ߈੄য  adult, grown-up যܲ

   026      city                 ݺ  بद
            >žsŸ”@              We live in a big city.
                                ਋ܻח ؀بदী ࢑׮

   027      class                ݺ  ೟ә  ࣻস
            >–—½ž@              There are 30 students in our class.
                                ਋ܻ ߈਷ ೟ࢤ੉   ݺ੉ীਃ

                                                                          Part 1   ࣽਤ ױয ] 017
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