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028      clean                ഋ  ӵՖೠ    ز  ୒ࣗೞ׮  ӵՖ੉ ೞ׮
            >–—”z™@             Are your hands clean?  ֎ ࣚ ӵՖೞפ
                                Clean you room.  ֎ ߑ ୒ࣗ೧

   029      clothes              ݺ ৩  ੄ࠂ    ױ cloth ৩х  ୌ

            >–—š ³¥@            I need some new clothes.
                                ࢜ ৩੉ ೙ਃ೧ਃ

   030      cold                 ഋ  ୶਍  ରо਍    ݺ  хӝ
            >–š —@             It’s cold and snowy here.  ੉Ҕ਷ ୻Ҋ ׀੉ ৬ਃ

                                I have a cold.  աח хӝী Ѧ۷যਃ
                                ߈੄য  warm ٮڷೠ

   031      collect              ز  ݽਵ׮  ࣻ૘ೞ׮
            >–—–Ÿ@            I collect coins of many countries.  աח ৈ۞ աۄ੄ ز੹ਸ ࣻ૘೧ਃ
                                ౵ࢤয  collection  ݺ  ࣻ૘ಿ  ࣗ੢ಿ

   032      come                 ز  য়׮  о׮ (come − came − come)
            >–©˜@               How often do you come here?  ੉Ҕী ঴݃ա ੗઱ ৬ਃ
                                Will you come with me?  ա৬ ೣԋ тېਃ

   033      country              ݺ  աۄ  दҎ
            >–Š™Ÿ”@            I’d like to work in a foreign country.
                                աח ৻Ҵীࢲ ੌೞҊ रযਃ

   034      crazy                ഋ  ઁ੿न੉ ইצ  ބद ചդ  ؀ױ൤ જইೞח
            >–p”¥”@            Are you crazy?  ց ઁ੿न੉ঠ
                                ز੄য  mad

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