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015      break                ز  ࠗࣻ׮  ࠗࢲ૑׮ (break − broke − broken)
            >”–@              ݺ  ോध  ോо
                                He broke his arm in the accident.
                                Ӓח ࢎҊ۽ ౹੉ ࠗ۞઎׮
                                Let’s take a break.  ਫ਼Ӭ एભ

   016      build                ز  ૙׮  ٜ݅׮ (build − built − built)

            >”—@              Admiral Yi Sunsin built a turtle ship.
                                ੉ࣽन ੢ҵ੉ Ѣ࠘ࢶਸ ٜ݅঻যਃ

   017      building             ݺ  Ѥ୷ޛ  Ѥޛ
            [s—”±]            The bank is the big white building

                                at the corner.
                                ਷೯਷ ݽ౏੉ী ੓ח ழ׮ۆ ൟ࢝ Ѥޛ੉ীਃ

   018      burn                 ز  ఋ׮  క਋׮ (burn − burnt/burned − burnt/burned)
            >ªz…™@             I burnt all his letters.
                                աח Ӓ੄ ಞ૑ܳ ݽف కਛ׮

   019      busy                 ഋ  ߄ࢂ
            >s¥”@              I’m busy with my homework.
                                դ ࣼઁ ೞוۄ ߄ࡅ

   020      buy                  ز  ࢎ׮  ҳੑೞ׮ (buy − bought − bought)
            >Œ”@               My dad bought me a guitar.  ইࡅо աীѱ ӝఋܳ ࢎ઱࣑য
                                ߈੄য  sell ౹׮

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