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            A   ߃઴ ஘ Ҕী ٜযт ݈ਸ ױয ࢚੗ীࢲ ଺ই ॳࣁਃ

                call             can          card           change          child
                city             class        clean          clothes         cold
                collect          come         country        crazy           cross

                crowded          cup          cut            cute            day

            01 I’ll            you soon. Әߑ ੹ചೡѱ

            02  When I was a             , I lived in a country village.
                য۷ਸ ٸ աח दҎ ݃ਸী ࢓ও׮

            03              I have another cookie? ௢ః ೞա ؊ ݡযب ظਃ

            04 Leaves               color in the fall.
                оਸীח աޠ੖ ࢝ӭ੉ ߄Ո׮

            05  I have a           . աח хӝী Ѧ۷যਃ

            06  The subway was very              . ૑ೞ୍੉ ցޖա ࠞ߼׮

            07 I             coins of many countries.
                աח ৈ۞ աۄ੄ ز੹ਸ ࣻ૘೧ਃ

            08 “What               is it today?” “Thursday.”
                tয়ט੉ ޖट ਃੌ੉ঠ u tݾਃੌ u

            09  Are your hands             ? ֎ ࣚ ӵՖೞפ

            10 Let’s             the street here. ৈӝࢲ ӡਸ Ѥց੗

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