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부록 5  알리바바 공급업체 가격 협상 메시지

                       Dear ‘담당 직원 이름 및 제조사’:

                       We are ready to place our order for ‘상품 이름’ and are getting quotes from a few

                       We really like your product and the packaging options you offered us, so can you
                       please give us your absolute best price for a quantity of(수량 개수) including the

                       packaging, instructions, and inserts?
                        ‘해당 경우에만’

                       While we are planning on ordering larger quantities in the future, we first need to
                       make sure that the product sells well.

                       Once we have heard back from you and the other suppliers, we will get back with
                       you as soon as possible.

                       이름, 직위
                       회사 이름

                 330    아마존셀러 무작정 따라하기

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