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123. Consumer focus groups responded 129. For an extra charge, New World
------- more favorably to the new Magazine will place your company’s
products than we had imagined. advertisement ------- on its front
(A) yet page.
(B) ever (A) prominently
(C) once (B) recently
(D) even (C) primarily
(D) dramatically
124. Without the hard work and ------- of
the project development team, we 130. Despite global anti-disease
never would have been able to programs, there has been a -------
release the product on time. increase in the disease in some
(A) dedication parts of the world.
(B) intention (A) beneficial
(C) capacity (B) progressive
(D) evacuation (C) competent
(D) dependent
125. While oil was once abundant in the
Krakaur field, ------- flows there
today, and as a result, the land has
been abandoned.
(A) few
(B) none
(C) many
(D) neither
126. The promotional events are
designed to introduce our brand to
consumers ------- with the full range
of our products.
(A) damaged
(B) inconsistent
(C) regarded
(D) unfamiliar
127. After several years of declining
sales, Goldman Motors decided to
------- its line of ultra-compact cars
and focus exclusively on small
(A) give out
(B) phase out
(C) put forth
(D) result in
128. Prior to the forklift’s sudden
breakdown, there was no ------- that
the vehicle had any mechanical
(A) material
(B) impression
(C) indication
(D) faction ✽정답 및 해설 다운로드 ⇨
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