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고득점 단기완성 TEST 01 맞은 개수 : 30 /
✽문제당 풀이시간은 절대 30초를 넘기지 마세요!
101. Mr. Kim can receive a 106. The proposal by Capital
reimbursement for travel expenses Management was approved -------
once ------- submits the appropriate the supervision of Mr. Landis.
paperwork to HR. (A) for
(A) him (B) under
(B) his (C) around
(C) he (D) with
(D) himself
107. Individuals completing the courses
102. Construction crews uncovered the will receive internationally
remains of an ancient market ------- recognized ------- in factory air
the collapsed building. pollution control.
(A) to (A) certifiable
(B) over (B) certifies
(C) among (C) certifying
(D) beneath (D) certification
103. In order to halt the expansion of the 108. Residents are reminded that -------
suburbs, building permits are ------- of hazardous chemicals anywhere
being issued for renovations of other than at city collection points is
existing structures. illegal.
(A) so (A) disposing
(B) well (B) anticipating
(C) still (C) rejecting
(D) only (D) removing
104. Plans have ------- been approved 109. Compton Cable is pleased to inform
for the city’s highest skyscraper, our ------- customers of
which is to be located next to the a limited-time offer to upgrade to
city’s oldest building. our new deluxe service.
(A) final (A) immediate
(B) finally (B) desirable
(C) finals (C) prompt
(D) finalists (D) existing
105. Chalfont Bank’s new security policy 110. The company’s profits exceeded
was enacted to ------- that analysts’ expectations, ------- the
customer information receives the value of its stock remained about
highest level of protection. the same.
(A) forward (A) or
(B) ensure (B) then
(C) inform (C) but
(D) tell (D) instead