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111. Under this warranty, 117. Major Materials’ purchase of dozens
the manufacturer has ------- to of mines in Africa is part of
repair any defective parts at no cost a broader strategy to obtain -------
to the owner. mineral resources.
(A) courtesies (A) preventive
(B) compliments (B) interested
(C) additions (C) valuable
(D) obligations (D) manageable
112. According to numerous reviewers, 118. Snafu Solutions has developed an
the tablet’s new touch screen is enhanced version of its popular
------- to use than any other on the anti-virus software, according to a
market. statement ------- by the company.
(A) easier (A) release
(B) easily (B) releasing
(C) ease (C) released
(D) easiest (D) to release
113. Despite the challenging subject 119. Under the new president, the quality
matter of Ms. Carver’s presentation, control division was assigned a
the audience listened ------- more critical ------- in the
to every detail. company’s overall strategic plan.
(A) attentive (A) operation
(B) more attentive (B) function
(C) attention (C) preference
(D) attentively (D) occurrence
114. News of the corporate scandal 120. Dextron, Inc. is releasing its new
quickly spread ------- the district software ------- it will only be sold
and resulted in a government online as a download.
investigation. (A) despite
(A) concerning (B) although
(B) throughout (C) whereas
(C) in regard to (D) therefore
(D) past
121. The business press is reporting that
115. All restaurants must ------- with the Cambridge Products, -------
new health safety rules issued by manufacturing home supplies,
the government. will start producing a new line of
(A) follow commercial furnishings.
(B) deal (A) on behalf of
(C) comply (B) aside from
(D) inquire (C) even if
(D) such as
116. Charles Trappe has increased his
presence at local business 122. Carl Britto has decided to -------
community events ------- at the proposal submitted by Janus
his promotion to vice president. Incorporated.
(A) since (A) look
(B) because (B) see
(C) while (C) examine
(D) unless (D) check
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