Page 17 -
P. 17

▶ 정답 374쪽 참조

              3 I  빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 다음 <보기>에서 골라 넣으세요.
                          order        meets        equipment        repair        early
                         stored        leave        likely        includes        experience

                 (1)  The building     all safety standards.                         DAY 01

                 (2)  Get Marcy to place an    for a new photocopier.

                 (3)  This liquid must be    in an approved container.

                 (4)  She is on maternity    for now.

                 (5)  The price is     to keep going up.

                 (6)  The       is always breaking down.

                 (7)  You can go to the nearest    center.

                 (8)  I’ll go home     tomorrow to take care of my baby.

                 (9)  Ms. Johnson has relevant    for this posting.

                 (10) The fee       breakfast at the hotel.

              4 I  괄호 안의 단어들 중 문장의 의미에 어울리는 것에 〇 하세요.
                 (1)  Many (employment / employees) are interested in the training program.

                 (2)  International events boost (local / locally) businesses greatly.

                 (3)  This is not an acceptable (form / formation) of identification.

                 (4)  The office party was held in a great (location / locate).

                 (5)  They will talk about the (budgetary / budget) proposal.

                                                                    Week 01 ː DAY 01 ː    25
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